
Unicaja Banco offers farmers and livestock breeders agriculture insurance with broad coverage to protect farms and production

The lines for vines, olives, nuts and herbaceous crops are particularly noteworthy

23 OCT 2023

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco offers farmers and livestock breeders agricultural insurance aimed at protecting and guaranteeing the production and facilities of their farms. Thus, the bank, within the framework of the agreement it has with Caser, offers the sector the Combined Agricultural Insurance (Agroseguro), focusing, in the last quarter of the year, among other lines, on those for vines, olives, nuts and herbaceous crops.


The Combined Agricultural Insurance offers all the coverage and benefits that a farm (agricultural, livestock, forestry or aquaculture) needs, with the advantages that clients can choose the degree of protection they need, as well as benefiting from a direct discount on the policy as it is a state-subsidized insurance and a payment adapted to the client's needs.


This type of product is mainly designed to respond to aspects that endanger farms, such as climate change, drought or hail. Farmers and livestock breeders interested in taking out this insurance can contact the bank’s branches.



Commitment to farmers


The marketing of agricultural insurance is part of Unicaja Banco's deep-rooted commitment to support farmers, which translates into the provision of financial, protection and advisory services, the development of specific agreements and participation in companies in the sector.


Agricultural insurance joins the wide and varied range of products and services that the bank makes available to farmers, such as the advance payment of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) aid from the European Union; the Univerde card, which offers the possibility of flexible payments, and its traditional line of financing for intensive crops, among others.




Seguros contratados con CASER, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., a través de Unimediación S.L.U., operador de bancaseguros vinculado, inscrito en el Registro Administrativo Especial de Distribuidores de Seguros de la Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones con nº inscripción OV-0010, actuando a través de la red de Unicaja Banco, S.A. Concertado seguro de responsabilidad civil de acuerdo a la legislación vigente. Puede consultar las compañías aseguradoras con las que Unimediación S.L.U. tiene contrato de agencia suscrito en


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