
Unicaja sponsors the seventh edition of La Gaceta Golf Tournament at the La Valmuza golf course in Salamanca.

- More than 260 players from all over Castilla y León participate in this sporting event

27 MAY 2024

1 Min reading

Unicaja has once again sponsored the La Gaceta Golf Tournament, held at the La Valmuza golf course in Salamanca. A total of 260 participants took part in this event over the weekend, which, in its seventh edition, sold out all its places. Raúl López Garlito was the winner in the first category. Diego Vicente and Javier Román Baz accompanied him in the positions of honor. Unicaja's regional manager for Commercial Banking in Castilla y León Sur, Manuel Rubio, participated in the presentation of the trophies to the winners.


The golf course of La Valmuza presented an impeccable carpet, cared for with special attention in recent days. The weather was excellent throughout the weekend, with pleasant temperatures.


Unicaja's collaboration in this tournament is part of the bank’s support for the practice of sport in general and the values it represents. One of Unicaja's objectives is to contribute to the promotion of sports as a driver of social integration, in line with its work to promote sustainability.


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