
Unicaja, awarded at the DEC Awards as the best innovation project for MarÍA, its conversational banking prototype

This model of conversational banking allows customers to interact by speaking

20 JUN 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja has been awarded in the 11th DEC Awards, in the category of 'Best innovation project to boost customer experience', for its innovation prototype called MarÍA.


Unicaja presented its voice avatar, designed to promote financial inclusion, as a candidacy for these awards, finally winning in this category, which received more than fifty projects and which highlights a proposal ahead of its time to improve the customer experience.


During the DEC Awards gala, which took place last Wednesday in Madrid, Unicaja's Head of Change Management, Daniel Gálvez, the Head of Fraud Control, Dinella Aguilera, and the Head of Artificial Intelligence, Javier Porras, collected the award on behalf of Unicaja.


Interaction with MarÍA


The customer can interact with MarÍA to perform their banking operations simply by speaking, without the need to use keywords. Security improves in the digital channel through voice biometrics, which replaces traditional passwords.


As MarÍA provides an easy interaction, this not only enhances the experiences of customers who are already digital, but also drives the digitization of those who are not, such as the elderly or the disabled, thus continuing to advance financial inclusion.

Precisely, the strategic lines of the bank include the improvement of its digital capabilities, but also the integration of sustainability and its social commitment.


DEC is an association driven by professionals who are leaders in the field of customer experience and aims to be an international benchmark in this area. To this end, it develops initiatives and organizes activities that provide its members with a global vision, meeting opportunities, training, professional growth and visibility.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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