
Unicaja sponsors the 13th Photomarathon to capture the monumental attractions of Salamanca

More than 200 amateurs photographed during the weekend the city of Salamanca in a new edition of this contest, organized by 'La Gaceta de Salamanca'

10 JUN 2024

2 Min reading

More than 200 photographers have traveled this weekend through the monumental area of Salamanca to participate in the 13th edition of the Photomarathon organized by the newspaper La Gaceta, which has been sponsored once again by Unicaja, among other collaborating institutions. This is an eagerly awaited annual event for all fans of this art, which has been acquiring increasing relevance and number of followers.


The marathon started on Saturday afternoon precisely next to the doors of the Unicaja facilities in Salamanca, a building located in the Plaza de Los Bandos that, in part, dates back to the sixteenth century. From there, the participants had to cover a test that marked an itinerary through 10 monumental points of the city, which had to be recorded with their camera before 3 p.m. on Sunday.


The participants immortalized during Saturday evening and Sunday morning each of the most artistic corners of a city that exudes centuries of history and monumentality. Each one contributed their own personal and differentiating approach and perspective. Thus, the same square can evoke a different look depending on the particular lens of each photographer.


The prizes, which will be announced in a few weeks, will be awarded to the three best photographs taken during the two-day marathon. The best work submitted by a person over 60 years of age and by a person under 16 will also receive an award. The registration fee will be donated in its entirety to Proyecto Hombre, which helps people with addictions and their families.

Unicaja's collaboration in this activity is part of the entity's support for culture and its different manifestations, promoting initiatives that are developed in its historical territories.

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