
Some 1,400 athletes in the International Futsal Tournament "Villa de Luarca 2024", with the collaboration of Unicaja

It was held this weekend with the participation of 120 teams, from 38 clubs from different regions

09 JUL 2024

2 Min reading

The 28th International Futsal Tournament "Villa de Luarca 2024" was held this weekend, between 5 and 7 July, with the participation of around 1,400 young athletes. Unicaja has collaborated with this sporting event, which aims to promote respect, discipline and teamwork, as fundamental values of sport.


The tournament brought together 120 teams, belonging to 38 clubs, from different parts of Spain, such as Asturias, Galicia, Cantabria, Basque Country, Madrid, Castilla y León and Castilla-La Mancha, with a total of 162 matches played.


The winners of each category received the corresponding prizes, presented by the Town Hall of Valdés.


Thanks to the good weather, part of the matches could be held in the outdoor facilities of the Polideportivo de Luarca.



Personal growth and exchange of experiences


During the weekend, young athletes, from under-7 to under-18, had the opportunity to show their technical skills, tactical dexterity and competitive spirit in each match. Beyond the results, "the important thing is the personal and sporting growth of each participant, as well as the opportunity to exchange experiences and learn from other colleagues from different regions", as indicated by the Councilor for Sports, Clara García, in the presentation of the meeting.

  • Institucional
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa


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