
Unicaja offers financing and services on advantageous terms to more than 7,500 scouts in Andalusia

The bank renews its support to the ASDE Scouts de Andalucía association

24 JUL 2024

3 Min reading

Unicaja has renewed its collaboration with the association ASDE Scouts de Andalucía and puts at the disposal of more than 7,500 children and young people, as well as of its employees and volunteers, a specific integral service, with advantageous financial conditions, aimed at facilitating the daily activities and contributing to the promotion and encouragement of the organization's activities.


This agreement, which reinforces the close relationship between the two institutions, has been signed by Unicaja, by the regional manager for Malaga, Francisco José Reguera Nieto, and by ASDE Scouts of Andalusia, by its president, Joaquín Muñoz Moreno.


The agreement is part of Unicaja's support for the social fabric, education, youth and children, as well as for the improvement of the economic conditions of non-profit organizations within the areas where it operates, such as Andalusia.


Products and services offered


As for the range of products and services that Unicaja makes available to ASDE Scouts de Andalucía, the following stand out: accounts to facilitate the daily activities of the organization, services such as direct debit of bills and payment of taxes and Point of Sale Terminals (POS), as well as mortgage and personal financing products and a wide variety of insurance products in different branches.


The agreement also includes other products and services for employees and volunteers, such as the Fee Free Plan, whereby the most common services are exempt from fees if some requirements are met, and the advantages of having the salary or pension paid directly into the bank, such as a free overdraft of up to 500 euros for salaries equal to or greater than 2,000 euros, an advance of up to three monthly salary payments and discounts associated with the EURO 6000 Plus Plan, among others.


For children and young people, the bank offers a series of products and services designed specifically for them and adapted to their needs, such as the Cuenta Joven (from 18 to 27 years of age with associated debit or credit cards), the Cuenta Teen (for teenagers from 14 to 17 years of age) and the Libreta Tesoro (from zero to 13 years of age). All of them are exempt from fees on the most common services.


Finally, the services are completed with Unicaja's Digital Banking, accessible through the web and the app, where customers can conveniently, quickly and securely consult transactions, perform various operations, operate with integrated Bizum and pay with mobile devices through the Apple Pay, Google Wallet and Samsung Pay applications.


About ASDE Scouts de Andalucía


ASDE Scouts de Andalucía is a non-government, non-profit, independent, non-denominational organization declared of Public Utility in 1997. Supported by young and adult volunteers, it has an educational-formative goal for children and youth leisure time. It is the heir to the union of the different scout groups that were born in the towns and cities of Spain since the early twentieth century.


With a presence in the eight Andalusian provinces, ASDE Scouts de Andalucía groups around 7,500 members belonging to more than 75 scout groups spread throughout the region. These data make ASDE Scouts de Andalucía one of the most important youth and children's associations in the region, both in terms of number of members and territorial presence.


About Unicaja


Unicaja is one of the main banks in the Spanish financial system. Headquartered in Malaga, it is a listed entity, part of the selective Ibex 35 index and a benchmark in six autonomous communities, with a proven track record of solvency and financial soundness.

  • Institucional

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