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Unicaja Banco offers financial services on advantageous terms to the over 150 professionals member of the Business Owners Association of Alhaurín el Grande

Unicaja Banco collaborates with the over 150 members of the Business Owners Association of Alhaurín el Grande (Asociación de Empresarios de Alhaurín el Grande –Malaga-), through the execution of an agreement between both institutions. This support is reflected in financial services and resources available on advantageous terms for the members of the said association, in order to enhance and improve the development of their management and activities. 29 MAY. 2018
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Unicaja Banco sponsors the event organized by ASAJA Malaga today in Antequera, on the 40th anniversary of the farmers association

Unicaja Banco collaborates sponsoring the information day organized by ASAJA Malaga, held today, on the occasion of the celebration of the patron saint of farmers, St. Isidore the Farmer, and coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the farmers’ association ASAGA-ASAJA. The Minister of Agriculture, Isabel García Tejerina, has attended the event. 28 MAY. 2018
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Unicaja Banco offers exclusive advantages to customers who sign up for the direct deposit of their salary

Unicaja Banco has launched a new marketing campaign which includes a programme with several incentives for those customers who sign up for the direct deposit of their salary for the first time by 30 September at any branch. The advantages of the ‘Servicio Nómina’ (Salary Service) include the advance payment of salaries, loans on advantageous terms, discounts on life and home insurances, and a gift card with up to 100 euros. 27 MAY. 2018
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Unicaja Banco sponsors the VI edition of eCongress Málaga, a benchmark event for professionals of new technologies and digital marketing

Unicaja Banco supports, as the only sponsoring financial institution, the VI edition of the event on e-commerce, social media and digital marketing, eCongress Málaga, which will take place on 26 May at Malaga Trade Fair and Congress Center (FYCMA, Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga). 24 MAY. 2018
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Unicaja's Edufinet Project rewards the best financial education projects, within the framework of its VIII Financial Olympics

A total of 206 teams, composed by 770 students, from 75 high schools -one of them from Romania- have participated in the VIII Financial Olympics of the Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja. This competition has celebrated today its final phase and has awarded prizes to the winners. 24 MAY. 2018
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Unicaja Banco and Garántia sign a collaboration agreement to boost financing to SMEs and to the self-employed in Andalusia

Unicaja Banco shows its support to SMEs and to the self-employed with the signature of an agreement with the Sociedad de Avales y Garantías de Andalucía, S.G.R., Garántia, to create a financing facility specific for this group. 21 MAY. 2018
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Unicaja Banco joins the Funcas programme to promote financial education

The Chairman of Unicaja Banco, Manuel Azuaga, and the General Director of the Foundation of Savings Banks (Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros, Funcas), Carlos Ocaña, have signed an agreement to promote financial education activities and projects. 21 MAY. 2018
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Unicaja Banco collaborates with the business owners of Chiclana de la Frontera

Unicaja Banco muestra su apoyo a los socios que integran la Asociación de Empresarios de Chiclana de la Frontera (Cádiz) mediante la firma de un convenio de colaboración con la entidad empresarial. 18 MAY. 2018
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La UCA se suma al Proyecto Edufinet de Unicaja, que cuenta así con universidades asociadas en todas las provincias andaluzas

La Universidad de Cádiz (UCA) se ha sumado al Proyecto Edufinet de educación financiera, impulsado por Unicaja Banco y la Fundación Unicaja, con el objetivo de contribuir a la mejora de los conocimientos de los ciudadanos en materia de finanzas. De este modo, este programa cuenta ya con instituciones universitarias asociadas en todas las provincias andaluzas. 15 MAY. 2018
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