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Unicaja Banco signs a new agreement with Fundación Adecco to collaborate in access to employment for women at risk of social exclusion

Unicaja Banco has signed a new agreement with Fundación Adecco to boost the development of activities aimed at facilitating access to employment for women at risk of social exclusion 05 MAR. 2021
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Unicaja Banco and Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Málaga renew their collaboration, with a comprehensive financial service for the 700 pharmacies in the province, in the context of COVID-19

Unicaja Banco reinforces its support to the Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de Málaga with the renewal of an agreement under which the Bank will continue to provide a comprehensive specific financial service to the over 2,000 pharmacists and 680 pharmacies member of the association 04 MAR. 2021
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Unicaja Banco and Liberbank call their General Meetings of Shareholders to resolve on the merger and on the composition of the Board of Directors of the combined entity

Unicaja Banco and Liberbank will hold on 31 March, on second call as scheduled, their Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholers to resolve on the approval of the Common Draft Terms of Merger between both institutions, which was approved by their respective Boards of Directors on 29 December 25 FEB. 2021
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Unicaja’s Edufinet Project gives an online workshop to teach students of the University of Malaga how to trade in the stock market

The Edufinet Project, in collaboration with the University of Malaga (UMA), has delivered again during this school year an online workshop on stock markets, with the goal of teaching master’s degree students the main keys to the equity market 24 FEB. 2021
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Unicaja Banco participates one more year in the advance payment of EU’s agricultural subsidies (CAP) and offers over €325 million in loans

The bank provides its customers with the possibility of receiving the advance payment of the aids through loans under advantageous conditions, as well as with advice and personalized management in the processing of their application dossiers 23 FEB. 2021
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Edufinet Project launches a new website for its financial education portal addressed to business owners and entrepreneurs

Edufinet, the financial education project promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, launches a more accessible and intuitive new website for its portal for business owners and entrepreneurs (Edufiemp), which, in addition, is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year 18 FEB. 2021
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Unicaja Banco enters into an agreement with the Smart City Cluster to boost technology projects, innovation and sustainable finances for the development of green and smart cities

The agreement sets a framework for the collaboration between the bank and the mentioned alliance of companies and institutions, which includes over 150 companies and collaborates with some 50 cities, with the goal of seeking opportunities to channel sustainable funding or investment projects 17 FEB. 2021
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Unicaja’s Edufinet Project organizes again an online workshop on digital transformation and blockchain technology for 70 students of the University of Jaen

The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, has organized, for the second time during this school year and in collaboration with the University of Jaen (UJA), an online workshop on blockchain technology with the aim of explaining university students the uses it has in different fields 11 FEB. 2021
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Unicaja Banco collaborates with Malaga Chamber of Commerce and CEM in the boost to an infrastructure plan to contribute to the economic recovery and reactivation in the province

Unicaja Banco has entered into an agreement with the Cámara de Comercio de Málaga and with the Confederación de Empresarios de Málaga (CEM) to collaborate with the Infrastructure Committee, promoted by the latter two institutions and which intends to identify and design key projects, in order to contribute to the economic recovery and reactivation of Malaga and its province 08 FEB. 2021
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