Unicaja is one of the main banks in the Spanish financial system. It is a listed company, which makes part of the selective Ibex 35 and which is a reference in six autonomous communities, with a proven trajectory of solvency and financial soundness.
The bank takes on the historic mantle from a wide range of savings banks from different geographic areas of Spain, some centuries old, and all with a long trajectory as lending institutions with a marked social character. The savings bank Unicaja was established in March 1991, as a result of the merger of the following savings bank: Ronda, Cádiz, Almería, Málaga and Antequera, and Caja de Jaén joined in August 2010.
Unicaja was established on 1 December 2011, by the savings bank Unicaja, by means of the segregation to the Bank of its financial business. On 31 October 2014, the General Assembly of Unicaja approved the transformation of this savings bank into a banking foundation, pursuant to the Spanish Law on Savings Banks and Banking Foundations.
On 30 June 2017, Unicaja became a listed company, its shares being admitted to official listing on the Stock Markets of Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia, and included in the Stock Exchange Interconnection System (S.I.B.E. or Continuous Market). The banking foundation Fundación Bancaria Unicaja is its main shareholder with a stake of 31.22% in the capital.
Furthermore, the integration of Banco de Caja España de Inversiones, Salamanca y Soria, S.A. (EspañaDuero) into Unicaja was completed in September 2018 as a result of a merger by absorption process. Banco de Caja España de Inversiones, Salamanca y Soria, which managed the financial business of the former Caja España and Caja Duero, was established in November 2011, giving continuity to the work developed for more than one century by Caja España de Inversiones, Salamanca y Soria, Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad, which was in turn the result of the merger of more than a dozen entities.
In July 2021, the legal merger by absorption of Liberbank into Unicaja was formalized. Liberbank, the eighth largest listed bank in Spain until the integration date, was established in 2011 by Grupo Cajastur (which included Banco de Castilla-La Mancha), Caja de Extremadura and Caja Cantabria, as a retail banking specializing in families, SMEs and the self-employed, and a flagship institution in the markets of Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura.
Unicaja has its headquarters in Malaga and only performs its activity in Spain and is clearly positioned as a flagship financial institution in six Autonomous Communities, its regions of origin (Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León and Extremadura), with a proximity banking approach.
It stands out by being a solid entity, close and open to society. For the high degree of confidence, being deeply rooted in the areas where it operates and with a strong knowledge of its customers and its territory, as well as for its commitment and its links to and identification with their population, given its interest in detecting and meeting their inhabitants' financial and social needs in an inclusive and sustainable way. It is also known for the physical proximity provided by its branch network.
Unicaja is characterised by its universal banking and sustainable business model, focused on the retail business under the prudent management of its business strategy and socially responsible risk profile, which prioritises quality, innovation and digital transformation, and incorporates technology to improve customer service and the institution's efficiency. It is currently the sixth largest bank in Spain by stock market capitalisation.
Therefore, the objectives of Grupo Unicaja’s activity include the generation of confidence and the creation of long-term value for its shareholders and other groups, improving the efficiency, and the support to all the economic sectors of the areas where it operates, placing customers in the centre of its commercial strategy, with a broad and diversified range of quality products and services that is competitive and provides value to customers.
Grupo Unicaja's financial strength and typical banking business have allowed it to focus its attention on personalised customer management.
Unicaja has a nationwide banking network comprised of around a thousand branches, nearly 2,500 ATMs of its own, a workforce of nearly 8,000 employees and a solid customer base of over 4 million customers.
Achievement of the Group’s objectives is based on its mission, its vision and the set of values that mark the daily performance of its activity, as well as its medium- and long-term strategy. Its mission is to contribute to the economic and social development in the areas where it operates, with full respect for the environment and sustainability, considering the needs and expectations of shareholders and the different stakeholders. Unicaja bases its strategy as a financial institution of reference on the attention to a set of values, which include the dynamism, openness and progress, as well as prudence, solvency, stability in managing resources, ethical and sustainable commitment, based on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria.
The experience of growing step by step, with prudence, but with a determined attitude, as well as its firm belief in the capacity to progress; to integrate diversity and to believe in the power of union, characterise Unicaja, which maintains strong roots in its regions of origin, with a human team capable of offering close and professional support, which translates into an optimal experience for its customers.
Contact details
Address: Avenida de Andalucía, 10 y 12. Málaga.
Phone: + 34 952 138 000
NIF: A-93139053
Swift code: UCJAES2M
Webs: www.unicajabanco.es y www.unicajabanco.com
Email: info@unicaja.es