The average payment period to suppliers of Unicaja Banco, S.A. (Unicaja) and the Group over FY 2024 was 6.91 and 9.70 days, respectively, which is below the maximum legal timeframe of 60 days set forth by Ley 15/2010, passed in Spain on 5th July 2010, establishing measures against arrears of payment in business transactions. The average payment period was calculated in accordance with said law.
Over the course of 2024, Unicaja paid a total of 170.072 invoices, of which 169.769 were paid within the legal time limit (99.82% of the total). In terms of monetary volume over the course of 2024, Unicaja paid a total of 405,292 thousand euros, of which 402,719 thousand euros were paid within the legal time limit (99.37% of the total).