
Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Risk Integration Policy

A policy on the integration of sustainability risks into the decision-making process and when providing investment and insurance product advice.


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Ethical Code

Grupo Unicaja has a Code of Ethics which was approved by the Board of Directors on 20 December 2024. It strengthens the wager we have placed on a business culture based on fostering upright, professional, honest and transparent conduct.


This Code sets out our corporate values and our commitment, which are meant to guide the personal and professional behaviour of our employees, executives and members of the Group's governing bodies.


Ethical Code


Complaint Channel Form


In accordance with the "Financial Crime Risk Prevention Programme of Unicaja Banco, S.A.", the Complaint Channel is placed at the disposal of third parties unconnected to the Bank for notification of specific irregular conduct with possible criminal implications that has come to the notice of said third parties within their organisations.


Confidentiality of any communications sent is absolutely guaranteed as is the protection of the personal data of all those involved. On no account shall anonymous communications be accepted. Confidentiality will be kept at all times unless the information has to be disclosed to an administrative or court authority, including the Spanish Attorney General’s Office.


Access to the form

Criminal Risk Prevention and Reaction to Breaches Policy

Corruption and Bribery Prevention Policy Unicaja Banco Group

Quality Policy

Unicaja Banco S.A. is a stock market listed Spanish bank with a proven record of solvency and financial solidity, that has taken over the historical experience of a dozen savings banks, some of them over a century old, and features its small business orientation, with cautious management in its commercial strategy and risk profile.


We fulfil our mission by attending to a set of values, among them there are:

  • Its special client orientation and continual improvement
  • Process based approach: their review is continuous to seek the highest levels of service quality and efficiency
  • Encouraging innovation and transformation to adapt to external and internal clients needs

At Unicaja we define Quality as the positive experience of the Parties Concerned with our company: external clients, internal clients, employees, shareholders, society, allies, providers and supervisory bodies, a positive experience being understood as reasonable coverage of the needs and expectations each of them has.


We undertake to Detect /Evaluate /Act on all the Risks and Opportunities linked to the Quality Management system implemented to assure the results foreseen: to increase the desirable effects, to prevent or reduce undesired effects and achieve Improvement. Thus, Quality orientation and continuous Improvement affect all the certified scopes of our Bank.

The quality management systems that we have implemented are aligned with the strategic objective of customer focus, while always keeping our commitment to comply with all applicable laws and regulations as well as the Articles of Association governing Unicaja and the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.


Our Quality Policy is a document that must have internal and external visibility. It must be communicated, understood and observed within the institution. It must be revised and updated when so required.

Certificates issued according to the ISO9001:2015 standard:

  1. Internal Audi: Internal audits of Risks, Subsidiaries, Branch Network and Financial Agents.

Information Security System

Unicaja Banco has an information security management system certified by AENOR in accordance with the UNE-ISO/IEC 27001:2014 standard.


Unicaja Banco has been certified to the UNE-ISO/IEC 27001:2014 standard since 2007 which governs, since the last extension in 2016, the management system of best practice in information security for its Electronic Banking services and corporate portal, financial self-services, Host-Based Information Services, information services for the branch network, intranet services and corporate information services, services associated to POS terminals and other web portals. Therefore Unicaja Banco is an institution that has been certified by the Spanish Association of Standardisation and Certification (AENOR) for its conformity with the ISO/IEC 27001:2014 standard, which guarantees an excellent Information Security Management System for its Electronic Banking service, UniVía.


This distinctions demonstrates the robustness and reliability of Unicaja Banco information systems, thereby ensuring its customers the highest security level for their operations and transactions.


Certificate of the Information Security Management System

Environmental, Energy and Climate Change Policy

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