In the exercise of its corporate social responsibility, Unicaja joined the UN Global Compact as a signatory in July 2013, acquiring as of said date the commitment, on one hand, to integrate said principles into its strategy, culture and action plan in the interest of strengthening its commitment to balanced and sustainable economic development and, on the other, to communicate this to its different stakeholders.
In April 2017 Unicaja joined the Global Compact Network Spain as a member. This membership also means supporting the actions promoted by the United Nations Organisation to achieve its goals and purposes, including the Sustainable Development Goals.
The United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact) is the largest associated initiative of corporate responsibility existing on a world scale, bringing together all the organisations that voluntarily support its Ten Principles in regard to Human Rights, Labour Law, Environment and Anti-Corruption.
La iniciativa cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia y más de 70 redes locales en el mundo, entre las que se encuentra la española que es, desde su creación, una de las primeras plataformas nacionales del Pacto Mundial y la red local con mayor número de entidades adheridas. Además, la Red Española es la primera red local en número de Informes de Progreso presentados.
Unicaja Progress Reports available at the Global Compact website