Edufinet Project

This project aims to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about how the financial system operates and the promotion of financial literacy, with the conviction that this is how greater transparency, security and responsibility in the development of financial relations between the public and financial intermediaries can be fostered, and consequently greater efficiency in financial markets.


The project falls within the initiative launched by the OECD, the European Commission and different national and international institutions designed to promote financial education among citizens.


In June 2016 the Edufinet Project committed itself to the Code of Good Practices for initiatives in financial education, developed by the promoters of the Financial Education Plan (Banco de España, the National Securities Market Commission and the Directorate General of Insurance and Pension Funds).

Spanish Network of Financial Education

Unicaja participates, via CECA (Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks), in this web platform which aims to bring together all the projects on financial education that are being undertaken in Spain. This allows information to be exchanged between participating users and provides documentation on the subject.


More information at Spanish Network of Financial Education