Unicaja periodically conducts an analysis with reference to the GRI Standards, in particular GRI 1 Foundation, GRI 2 General Disclosures and GRI 3 Material Topics, in order to identify any aspects which are most relevant to its different stakeholders. The aspects which influence the Group's ability to generate value and which are of interest to the groups and people with whom it maintains relationships are thus identified.
The materiality assessment was conducted in 2023 in accordance with the sequential approach methodology set out in the GRI standard and was submitted to the Sustainability Committee for its approval. This assessment was based on a comprehensive and participative process in which some of the principal stakeholders took part (customers, investors, shareholders, suppliers and financial agents), as well as some of the Bank's executives representing the Institution's key areas.
The materiality assessment consisted of the following stages:
This assessment went one step further by identifying GRI indicators thar are relevant to Unicaja and developing questionnaires focused on previously identified groups for the first time, along with an analysis that takes into account SDG-related targets. In this regard, Unicaja once again demonstrated its commitment to and interest in sustainable development.
Furthermore, this assessment was more clearly aligned with the non-financial risks identified at Grupo Unicaja Banco. Hence, the matrix resulting from the identification of relevant topics reflects which risks are more material both from an internal perspective and from the standpoint of stakeholders.
As has already been mentioned, the Group identified its material topics by using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda as a reference.
The economic, social, environmental and ethical behaviour topics that are relevant to the Institution's approach to sustainable development were identified through this process. The ultimate goal is, on the one hand, to identify the Institution's material topics that will therefore be reported in the Non-Financial Information Statement and, on the other, to identify the material SDGs that will be the essential bases for developing the sustainability strategy, emphasising the actions and projects carried out by the Bank that help to contribute to the accomplishment of the Group's priority SDGs.
By order of importance, SDG 12 Responsible production and consumption, SDG 3 Health and well-being, SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth, and SDG 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions were identified as the most relevant and impactful for Unicaja.
Further information can be found in the Non-Financial Information Statement, which is available on the Unicaja corporate website.