Grupo Unicaja's "Sustainability Policy" is based on a set of general principles, which are set out below:
Relationship with the stakeholders: Unicaja's strategy shall be based on establishing a balanced, transparent and clear relationship with stakeholders, always taking their concerns about ESG matters into account.
Respect for the environment: Unicaja's strategy shall enable the global challenge caused by climate change to be faced by involving its main stakeholders in establishing policies and procedures focused on adapting to it and mitigating it in business and risk management, in particular by adopting international protocols and standards and implementing their best practices.
Contribution to social development: Unicaja's strategy shall take into consideration the social development of the communities and territories in which it operates through both its own financial activity and support for initiatives aimed at social investment.
Consideration of social and environmental impacts in the design of its products and services: Unicaja shall take into account such impacts with regard to the design of products and services as well as in relation to its pricing policies by favouring those which create added environmental or social value.
Financial inclusion: Unicaja shall facilitate access to the financial services it offers through several physical and digital channels, as well as access to financial education on equal terms, thereby ensuring non-discrimination.
Inclusion of ESG criteria in business and risk policies: Unicaja shall include these criteria in investment and financing analyses, as well as in credit investment processes and investment or insurance advice.
People: Unicaja shall promote the management of the people forming part of its workforce by fostering their well-being and motivation through work-life balance, personal and professional development, and health and safety measures, thus fostering the human team's inclusion and diversity.
Relationship with suppliers: Unicaja shall promote sustainable and responsible supply chain management by encouraging positive mutual influence with a view to improving the ethical, social and environmental performance of its suppliers.
Corporate governance: Unicaja's strategy shall foster good governance, along with corporate governance and internal best practices.
Coherence: Internal coherence in ESG management governs Unicaja's actions in order to provide a suitable response to compliance with the commitments it has endorsed, applicable legislation and supervisory expectations.
Transparency: Unicaja shall abide by the principle of transparency when defining, disclosing and implementing strategies, policies and procedures on the integration of sustainability factors into its corporate strategy.
Proportionality: Unicaja shall develop ESG management factors within the scope of the business and its related risks according to a line of action based on proportionality, which is defined on the basis of the nature of the Institution's core activity, the relevance of the assets and counterparties assessed, data availability and quality constraints, and the complexity of any changes or adaptations that must be made to its infrastructure, policies and procedures.