
Unicaja Banco renews one more year its agreement with the Malaga Confederation of Business Owners to promote investments and entrepreneurship

Unicaja Banco has renewed for one more year its collaboration agreement with the Malaga Confederation of Business Owners (CEM, Confederación de Empresarios de Málaga) to provide financing, on advantageous terms, to companies established in the province, and with the aim of promoting investments, encouraging foreign trade and supporting the expansion and development of strategic projects of the business sector in Malaga and the province.

25 JUN 2018

4 Min reading

Unicaja Banco has set up a funding line of €700 million for the over 45,000 companies members of the CEM and, additionally, puts at their disposal a range of specific financial products and services to meet their different needs. The agreement also includes a line of micro-credits to promote self-employment.


This agreement, which is renewed every year, intends to contribute to the development of actions aimed at improving the business fabric, facilitating the economic boost and supporting job creation in Malaga and its province.


Unicaja Banco has renewed one more year its collaboration agreement with the Malaga Confederation of Business Owners (CEM, Confederación de Empresarios de Málaga) to provide financing, on advantageous terms, to companies established in the province, with the aim of promoting investments, encouraging foreign trade and supporting the expansion and development of strategic projects of the business sector in Malaga and the province. In particular, Unicaja Banco sets up a financing line of €700 million for the over 45,000 freelancers and SMEs and the 100 associations members of the CEM and, additionally, puts at their disposal a range of specific financial products and services to meet their different needs. The agreement also includes a line of micro-credits to promote self-employment.


The renewal of the agreement, executed by the Chairman of Unicaja Banco, Manuel Azuaga, and by the President of the CEM, Javier González de Lara, reinforces the long-term existing relationship between the two institutions and aims to achieve the common goals of promoting the business fabric, facilitating the economic boost and supporting employment in Malaga and its province.


Businesses in general and SMEs in particular continue to be one of the key groups in Unicaja Banco’s funding policy, especially in Andalusia and, in particular, in Malaga. Therefore, one of the bank’s priority commercial axes is providing funding to businesses, which are a key driver to make the economy more dynamic and to stimulate job creation.


Main features of the agreement


The collaboration agreement renewed by Unicaja Banco and the CEM includes specific financial products and services under advantageous conditions aimed at meeting the needs of companies and freelancers in Andalusia. Additionally, the new agreement also includes a micro-credit line to promote self-employment with small loans to business owners, entrepreneurs or professionals with viable projects. The loans will have a maximum amount of €25,000, to finance up to 90% of the presented project.


The renewal of the agreement brings an evolution in the products and services offered by Unicaja Banco for businesses, based on three axes: specialized service with competitive price, product range, and technology. Specifically, the companies belonging to the CEM may benefit from excellent conditions in services such as:

  • Deposit Products; with special products such as ‘Zero Plan for Professional Firms’, the ‘Zero Plan for Professional Freelancers’, as well as treasury management for freelancers and businesses through accounts, mutual funds or private banking.
  • Financing transactions for companies:  ‘Financioning’ services (Unicaja reverse factoring, real estate and furniture and equipment leasing, factoring and investment on assets via Renting), cash flow financing, funding for investment in new projects, foreign trade, ICO lines 2018, or micro-credits and the First Company Loan to promote self-employment through feasible initiatives.
  • Other Products and Services for companies: channeling of subsidies and official credits, means of payment, payment of taxes, real estate…
  • International Transactions: foreign trade, financing, currencies and services.
  • Digital Banking: UniVía (Unicaja Banco’s digital banking), mobile apps such as Unipay Bizum, mobility solutions and management services.
  • Insurances and Pension Plans, with wide coverage and benefits.


The Malaga Confederation of Business Owners integrates SMEs and freelancers of the province, grouped in over 100 sectorial organizations with over 45,000 registrations in the Tax on Commercial and Professional Activities (IAE, Impuesto de Actividades Económicas). Among its missions, the CEM intends to enhance the relations between financial institutions and the business fabric of Malaga, to facilitate the normal development of its activities.


Unicaja Banco maintains a close cooperation with CEM since its foundational origin, having entered into financial agreements in the previous years to facilitate access to financing to Malaga companies on preferential terms.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa


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