
Unicaja Banco supports the Andalucía Emprende Awards, given to the winning companies of Sevilla province

This is the V edition of these Awards, whose provincial phase in Sevilla was held yesterday, which recognize one more year the most innovative business initiatives in the province and with the highest growth and development potential. This year, the winning companies have been OpenTherapi, specializing in the field of online psychological therapy, and Iaxxon Energía, dedicated to the development of solar air heating with thermal energy. The companies have been awarded in the categories of business Creation and Consolidation respectively.

14 JUN 2018

3 Min reading

The Andalucía Emprende Awards, promoted by the Department of Knowledge, Research and Universities of the Autonomous Government of Andalusia, through the Andalucía Emprende Foundation, will continue with this phase during this month in the other Andalusian provinces. Provincial winners will become finalists in the regional phase, to compete for the award to the best Andalusian business 2018.


Unicaja Banco’s support to these awards falls within the support that the financial institution gives to the business fabric and within its interest to promote entrepreneurial initiatives in Andalusia, as well as to boost the economy and job creation in the areas where it operates.


Unicaja Banco reinforces its support to the business and entrepreneurial fabric in Andalusia by sponsoring the V edition of the Andalucía Emprende Awards, whose provincial phase in Sevilla took place yesterday. The goal of these prizes is to award, one more year, the most innovative business initiatives and with the highest growth and development potential in each province. Then, the best Andalusian business 2018 will be chosen from among the provincial winners in the regional phase of the competition.


This year, the awarded Sevilla companies have been OpenTherapi (in the category Creation), specializing in the field of online psychological therapy, with a web platform which allows its professionals to create their own virtual office with just one click, and Iaxxon Energía (in the category Consolidation), dedicated to the development and manufacture of a highly efficient solar collector. The category Creation is awarded to recently established business initiatives (up to three years ago); and the category Consolidation is aimed at businesses between three and seven years of history. As part of the prize, both companies will have their own stand to promote their services in the Andalusia Entrepreneur’s Day, and they will also participate as finalists in the regional phase of the competition, which will be held on the same day.


Unicaja Banco’s support to these awards falls within the support that the financial institution gives to the business fabric and within its interest to promote entrepreneurial initiatives in Andalusia, as well as to boost the economy and job creation in the areas where it operates.


The award ceremony, held in the Advanced Resource Business Center (CREA, Centro de Recursos Empresariales Avanzados) of Sevilla, was attended by Francisco Javier Silva, Unicaja Banco’s Business Manager of the Regional Directorate of Western Andalusia, and the event was chaired by Juan Borrego, Provincial Representative of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment in Sevilla of the Regional Government of Andalucía, and by Isabel Agüera, provincial Director of Andalucía Emprende in Sevilla.


A total of 50 Sevilla business initiatives, supported and mentored by the CADEs (Business Development Support Centers) in the province, have submitted their application to the fifth edition of these awards, which are also a unique opportunity for networking and creating synergies between projects, organizations and institutions related to the business and innovation world.


The Andalucía Emprende Awards, promoted by Department of Knowledge, Research and Universities of the Regional Government of Andalusia, through the Andalucía Emprende Foundation, are currently in their provincial phase in the different Andalusia provinces. A total of 16 companies will pass to the regional phase to compete for the award to the best Andalusia business 2018.


In addition to participating in a consulting programme given by the Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior, Extenda, the regional winners will benefit from an international business agenda, including accommodation, in any destination which is a potential business market or which host benchmark companies in their activity sector. Transportation expenses will be covered by Unicaja Banco.

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