
Unicaja Banco supports the I Fashion Show 'Málaga Summer', to be organized on Friday at the beach

This open air fashion show features young emerging designers from Malaga who will present their latest creations together with well-established designers of local and national firms and also of haute couture.

03 JUL 2018

2 Min reading

The activity, organized by Malaga City Council and the Costa del Sol Beaches Business Association, enriches the touristic and commercial offer of the city of Malaga. It will be held on Friday, 6 July, at La Caleta beach.


The collaboration of Unicaja Banco with this initiative falls within its interest in supporting actions to foster the economic boost in the areas where it operates, and in particular, in Málaga, and within the support to young entrepreneurs and creators.


Unicaja Banco supports the first edition of Málaga Summer, a fashion show to be held on Friday at the beach, where young emerging designers will present their latest creations together with well-established designers of local and national firms. This activity, organized by Malaga City Council and the Costa del Sol Beaches Business Association, enriches the touristic and commercial offer of the city of Malaga. It will be held on Friday, 6 July, at 19.30 at La Caleta beach in Malaga.


The collaboration of Unicaja Banco with this initiative falls within its interest in supporting actions to foster the economic boost in the areas where it operates, and in particular, in Malaga, and within the support to young entrepreneurs and creators.


The first edition of the Málaga Summer Fashion Show will feature Malaga fashion firms such as EntreCosturas, Haití, Mariola Sanabria, Seda Design, Antonio Corpas, Antonia Galiano and the Malaga haute couture designers Ángel Palazuelos, Rafael Urquízar and Jesús Segado. The designer Elena Tablada will present her latest swimwear collection.


Entrance to this fashion and couture show is free. Seats will be placed around the catwalk in La Caleta Beach, between La Malagueta and Baños del Carmen, but the rest of the attendants will also be able to see the show.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa


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