
Unicaja joins one more year the Financial Education Day with the organization of different activities during the next week

Edufinet Project, the pioneering and awarded programme fostered by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja to bring the financial and banking world closer to citizens and to contribute to financial inclusion, joins one more year the Financial Education Day, organizing different activities during the next week.

28 SEP 2018

4 Min reading

The Edufinet Project has organized different activities, such as workshops for business owners and entrepreneurs, for young people –including a group of Danish students- or lectures given by representatives of the Bank of Spain or the CNMV.


More than ten years of work prove the commitment of the Edufinet Project to financial education. During this period, it has brought the world of finance closer to 127,000 people, 89,000 of them being young students. In the development of its activities, it collaborates with over twenty universities, institutions and business organizations.


The Edufinet Project, the programme fostered by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja to bring the banking and financial world closer to citizens and to contribute to financial inclusion, joins one more year the Financial Education Day, organizing different activities during the next week. The Financial Education Day is a national initiative promoted by the Financial Education Plan (Plan de Educación Financiera, PEF) and held on 1 October, developed jointly by the Bank of Spain and the National Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, CNMV).


Edufinet has organized different activities in Málaga for business owners and entrepreneurs and for young people –including a group of Danish students- as part of its contribution to this day, with the goal of guiding citizens to make the best financial decisions.


In particular, the activities scheduled for the next week include workshops on economic situation and developments (crypto-currencies and inflation), basic concepts to learn how the financial system and markets work, and digital transformation. These activities will be developed with the collaboration of different public institutions such as the Municipal Institute for Training and Employment (IMFE, Instituto Municipal para la Formación y el Empleo), belonging to Málaga City Council, schools such as Colegio León XII or the company Venga Travel.


Representatives from the Bank of Spain and the CNMV will also give lectures. Additionally, the X Conference on Financial Education for Young People will be presented during this celebration. The conference is aimed at Secondary Education and Baccalaureate students and it is linked to the school competition X Financial Olympics.


The International Congress on Financial Education will also be presented. This congress will be held in November in Malaga and, under the title ‘Realities and Challenges’, will gather researchers and speakers from different institutions and fields.


Goal of the Financial Education Day


The goal of the Financial Education Day, shared by the Edufinet Project since its origin, is to promote the financial literacy in Spain and to raise awareness of the importance of acquiring adequate knowledge to face the challenges in different stages of life.


The Financial Education Day (www.diadelaeducacionfinanciera.es) is an initiative of Finanzas para Todos (Financial Education Plan), developed by the Bank of Spain and the CNMV, with the collaboration of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds and the General Secretariat of the Treasury and International Finance.


In its ten years of activity, the project fostered by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja has brought the financial world closer to more than 127,000 people through onsite activities and through its three Internet portals (Edufinet; Edufiemp, aimed at business owners and entrepreneurs, and Edufinext, for young people).


The website www.edufinet.com, which includes systematic and practical information in a question-answer format, and where no previous knowledge is required, has received so far 7.6 million visits, with queries and access from nearly 180 countries.


Pioneering project


The Edufinet Project, is a pioneering and awarded programme which has been working since the end of 2007, although its development began in 2005. Its actions have traditionally been aimed mainly to Secondary Education and Baccalaureate students, university students, business owners and entrepreneurs, with online and onsite activities. However, it also covers Vocational Training students and adults in general.


In addition to more than ten business institutions and organizations, 14 universities collaborate with the programme. It has a working team with more than 80 members, who volunteer to give training, update the contents of the financial guides and the Internet portals and collaborate in the organization of the different activities.


Publications on finance are other of the pillars of the Edufinet Project. Special mention must be made to the ‘Financial Guide’ and the ‘Financial Guide for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs’. The project promotes as well different activities such as lectures, summer courses or participation in international initiatives.

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