
The International Congress on Financial Education of Edufinet closed with more than 60 speakers and moderators and attended by more than 250 people

The International Congress on Financial Education: ‘Realities and Challenges’, organized in Malaga by Unicaja’s Edufinet Project and sponsored by the Foundation of Savings Banks (Funcas), was closed today. In its two days, it has been attended by more than 250 people and more than 40 speeches have been given, divided into ten theme areas, by more than 60 speakers and moderators from different fields and from Spanish and international institutions.

26 NOV 2018

2 Min reading

In particular, participants included representatives from national and international institutions such as the Bank of Spain, Spanish Securities Market National Commission (CNMV), Funcas (Foundation of Savings Banks), Cecabank, AEB (Spanish Association of Banking) the EU Economic and Social Committee or the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (Unitar); professors from national and international universities and business schools; analysts, auditors, financial advisors and consultants; representatives from business associations, as well as journalists specialized in economic information.


The programme of the Congress was divided into ten sessions (and one roundtable panel) on the following subjects: Level of financial education; Didactics and methodology of financial education; Effects of financial education programmes; Good practices in financial education programmes; Decision-making and the psychology of financial decisions; Financial education and entrepreneurship; Economic analysis of the effectiveness of financial education projects; Economic-financial knowledge in the educational system: an international experience; Financial education and the digitalization challenge; and Financial inclusion.


The website will include documents and information related to the International Congress on Financial Education: ‘Realities and Challenges’, organized yesterday and today by the Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja.


The goal of this Congress was to become a meeting point for the main agents involved in financial education to address topics such as the challenges faced by this discipline, the actions to be implemented to boost it or the efficiency of the existing training programmes.


Four pictures of the closing ceremony are included below, showing the Head of the Edufinet Project, José M. Domínguez, and the General Director of Fundación Unicaja, Sergio Corral.

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