
Unicaja Banco offers again financing and services under advantageous terms to more than 6,500 members of the Bar Association of Malaga

Unicaja Banco offers again advantageous financial conditions to the members of the Bar Association of Malaga. Both institutions have renewed their collaboration agreement by which the bank puts at the disposal of the more than 6,500 members of the association a specific integral service to facilitate and improve the development of their activities.

15 NOV 2018

3 Min reading

This agreement between Unicaja Banco and the Bar Association of Malaga, which has been yearly renewed over the last ten years, intends to meet the needs of the Bar members and to facilitate their activities. For those purposes, it includes financing for the Master’s Degree in Legal Practice, or advance payment of the Turno de Oficio y Guarda de Asistencia del Detenido.


The signature of this agreement adds to the collaboration agreements that Unicaja Banco has entered into with the main professional and business associations of Malaga and its province, within the support to the business fabric in general and within its interest to promote and boost the economy.


Unicaja Banco offers again advantageous financial conditions to the members of the Bar Association of Malaga (Colegio de Abogados de Málaga). Both institutions have renewed their collaboration agreement by which the bank puts at the disposal of the more than 6,500 members of the association a specific integral service aimed to facilitate and improve the development of their activities.


This agreement between Unicaja Banco and the Bar Association of Malaga, which has been yearly renewed over the last ten years and which reinforces the close relationship between both institutions, adds to the collaboration agreements that the bank has entered into with the main professional and business associations of Malaga province, within the support given to the business fabric in general and within its interest to promote and boost the economy.


The range of products and services of Unicaja Banco and offered under advantageous terms intends to meet the needs of the Bar members and to facilitate their activities. For those purposes, it includes financing for the Master’s Degree in Legal Practice, or advance payment of the Turno de Oficio y Guarda de Asistencia del Detenido (Duty Roster and Assistance to Detainees), as established in the agreement, signed by Unicaja Banco Regional Manager in Malaga, José Manuel Alba, and the Dean of the Bar Association of Malaga, Francisco Javier Lara.


These goals fall within the bank’s general commitment to support professional activities, businesses and job creation. The main features of the offer and the agreement are:


- Loan to receive the advance payment of the Turno de Oficio and Guardia de Asistencia al Detenido, and financing for the Master’s Degree in Legal Practice.


 - Financing for the self-employed, for investments, acquisition of premises, cover cash-flow need; ICO 2018 financing lines for productive investments or liquidity in their national or international activities; guarantees for personal needs, as well as a wide range of products for professionals.


- Fracciona Loan: to finance the payment of taxes, such as VAT, tax income withholdings or payments of the Company Tax.


- Wide range of Unicaja Banco products and services on advantageous terms, such as:

  • Credit account for businesses.
  • Business Account and Zero Plan for Entrepreneurs.
  • International banking.
  • E-banking (Unicaja Banco UniVía service and mobile services for smartphones and tablets, Flexicompra System, PoS terminals, E-Business card, Pre-payment cards for businesses and Crédito Comercio).
  • Service for the payment of salaries, direct debit of invoices and payment of taxes.
  • Wide range of insurances and pension plans with competitive profitability.
  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa


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