
Unicaja's Edufinet Project presents the sixth edition of its Financial Guide, aimed at providing a clear overview of the financial world

Unicaja, through the Edufinet Project, has presented today the sixth edition of its ‘Financial Guide’, aimed at giving a systematic, clear and objective overview of the Spanish financial system and of the different products and services offered. The goal is to provide assistance to increase the analysis capacity and personal autonomy to take financial decisions.

13 DEC 2018

5 Min reading

With a print run of 5,500 copies, this new edition includes not only the update of its contents, but also some new features such as ‘Did you know…?’ questions, the review of the list of acronyms, several figures and charts or the inclusion, for the first time, of topics related to fintechs or virtual currencies, for instance.


The contents of the new ‘Financial Guide’ are available on Edufinet’s website (, the project promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja. Since it was first launched in 2008, more than 28,000 copies of this guide have been distributed.


Edufinet collaborates with 14 universities and more than ten business organizations and institutions. It is one of the first financial education programmes launched in Spain and during its eleven years it has received several awards. In fact, on Wednesday, the magazine Actualidad Económica awarded Edufinet the second prize in Financial Education, in the category of over 65s, for the ‘I Lectures on Financial Education for Adults and Senior Citizens’.


Unicaja, through the Edufinet Project, has presented today the sixth edition of its ‘Financial Guide’, aimed at giving a systematic, clear and objective overview of the Spanish financial system and of the different products and services offered. The goal is to provide assistance to increase the analysis capacity and personal autonomy to take financial decisions.


With a print run of 5,500 copies, this new edition includes not only the update of its contents, but also some new features such as ‘Did you know…?’ questions, the review of the list of acronyms, several figures and charts or the inclusion, for the first time, of topics related to fintechs or virtual coins, for instance. The full contents are available at Edufinet’s website (


The new ‘Financial Guide’ has been presented by the Head of Edufinet Project and Unicaja Banco’s General Director of General and Technical Secretariat, José M. Domínguez, and by the General Director of Fundación Unicaja, Sergio Corral.


The edition of this guide falls within the goal of the Edufinet Project -promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja- of enhancing the financial literacy of citizens as a mechanism to adopt informed and responsible decisions in the financial area and, consequently, to generate profits both for the economy and for the whole society.


The ‘Financial Guide’, prepared by people who volunteer at the Edufinet Project and with more than 28,000 copies distributed since its first edition in 2008, counts on the collaboration of the universities participating in the Edufinet Project and has been published by Thomson Reuters Aranzadi. In sum, it intends to enhance the financial literacy of the general public, adapted to the needs of users.


In its pages, it includes basic notions such as the financial system or the family budget, but also more complex contents with higher technical accuracy. In general, the Guide puts down on paper the contents published on the free-access portal


In particular, the ‘Financial Guide’ addresses the different areas of interest for the reader wishing to learn about finances. For that purpose, the guide addresses in the first place the decision-making process, on the basis of the consideration of the needs and of the different existing options, within the perspective of the full cycle of the different products, with all their implications. Next, the Guide focuses on the concept of family budget and the approaches to manage it, and it includes a section with the main economic and financial indicators.


Then, the role and structure of the Spanish financial system is analyzed, as a first step to study the different products for saving, investment, insurance and financing. Additionally, attention is paid to key aspects such as the legal framework, taxation or financial calculations.


This publication also includes a complete glossary of financial terms, a section of acronyms, more than 120 questions on specific topics and a self-check test.


In total, the Edufinet Project has prepared 14 publications about financial education during these years: in addition to the six editions of the ‘Financial Guide’, the ‘Financial Guide for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs’, the comic ‘Financial Education in the City’, for young people, the ‘Introductory Guide on Economics and Finance’ and the ‘Guide on the Taxation of Financial Transactions’.


Award by Actualidad Económica


The Edufinet Project was launched in 2007, although its development began in 2005 within Unicaja. It collaborates with 14 universities and more than ten business organizations and institutions. During its eleven years of history, it has received several awards. In fact, on Wednesday, the magazine Actualidad Económica awarded Edufinet the second prize in Financial Education, in the category of over 65s, for the ‘I Lectures on Financial Education for Adults and Senior Citizens’ (held this year from 25 April to 13 June).


During its eleven years of trajectory, more than 127,600 people have participated in the different conferences, workshops, lectures and seminars developed, of which 89,000 have attended the Conferences on Financial Education for Young People. The website has registered so far more than 7.6 million visits, with access from nearly 180 countries.


In addition to more than ten business organizations and institutions, 14 universities collaborate with this programme. All of the previous has made Edufinet to be one of the pioneering financial education programmes in Spain, a job rewarded with several awards.

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