
Unicaja Banco sponsors an informative session in Don Benito (Badajoz) about the new Law on Co-operatives in Extremadura

Unicaja Banco, within its traditional support to the agricultural and livestock sector, sponsors an informative session about the new Law on Co-operatives in Extremadura (Ley de Sociedades Cooperativas de Extremadura), held today 11 December in Don Benito (Badajoz).

11 DEC 2018

3 Min reading

This session, organized by Cooperativas Agroalimentarias de Extremadura with the collaboration of the Regional Government (Junta de Extremadura), has addressed the new features of the regulations related to co-operative companies in the region.


Unicaja Banco’s sponsorship of this event is part of the  ongoing support that the bank gives to the agricultural and livestock sector, both in terms of advice and financing, with the conviction that this sector is a fundamental axis for the social and economic development of Extremadura and, therefore, of Badajoz province.


Unicaja Banco, within its traditional support to the agricultural and livestock sector, sponsors an informative session about the new Law on Co-operatives in Extremadura (Ley de Sociedades Cooperativas de Extremadura), held today 11 December in Don Benito (Badajoz).


Unicaja Banco’s sponsorship of this event is part of the ongoing support that the bank gives to the agricultural and livestock sector, both in terms of advice and financing, with the conviction that this sector is a fundamental axis for the social and economic development of Extremadura and, therefore, of Badajoz province.


With the presence of Unicaja Banco’s Head of Agricultural Business, Francisco Vilches, the session has addressed the new features of the Law of Co-operatives in Extremadura (Ley de Sociedades Cooperativas de Extremandura) and has been attended by nearly one hundred co-operatives from the region.


The President of the Junta de Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández Vara; the President of Cooperativas Agroalimentarias de Extremadura, Ángel Pacheco; and the General Director of Social Economy, Carmen Moreno were also present at this event.


The speakers have detailed and analysed the new regulations, explaining its practical application, legal and economic regime, as well as equal opportunities. The event has been organized by Cooperativas Agroalimentarias de Extremadura, sponsored by Unicaja Banco and with the collaboration of Junta de Extremadura.


Unicaja Banco’s commitment


The organization of these events by Unicaja Banco evidences its long-standing commitment to the agricultural sector. This is reflected in the provision of financial, protection and advisory services, in the development of specific agreements and in the holding of stakes in businesses of this area.


The collaboration is also reflected in the ongoing support that Unicaja Banco gives to the agricultural and livestock sector, in terms of both financing and advice, an essential axis for the social and economic development of Extremadura and, therefore, of the province of Badajoz.


In this regard, the organization of Enclave Agrario is to be remarked. Enclave Agrario is a series of seminars intended to foster debate and dialogue through workshops given by renowned professionals of the economic, social and business world, who address topical issues, adapted to the interests of each province, and promoting the exchange of opinions between the attendees.


These are, in summary, meetings for business owners of the agricultural sector, organized regularly by Unicaja Banco to promote discussion about business trends and strategies.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa


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