
Unicaja explains the keys of business financing to university students in Jaén

Unicaja, through the Edufinet Project on financial education, has organized a workshop at the University of Jaén (UJA), to provide students with information on the available financing possibilities for businesses and business owners.

26 DEC 2018

2 Min reading

With a very practical approach, the workshop has focused on the keys of banking financing, it has explained the characteristics and differences of third-party funds and own funds, and it has detailed the aids for businesses.


The Edufinet Project, fostered by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, is a financial education project pioneering Spain. It currently collaborates with over twenty universities, institutions and business organizations and its aim is to improve the financial literacy of citizens.


The Edufinet Project on financial education, fostered by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, has organized a workshop at the University of Jaén (UJA), to provide students with information on the available financing possibilities for businesses and business owners.


With a very practical approach, the workshop has focused on the keys and types of banking financing. The characteristics and differences of third-party funds and own funds have also been explained, and information on the current aids for businesses has been given.


The workshop -organized at the University of Jaén by the Edufinet Project- has been divided into two sessions, one held at the Jaen campus and another one held at the Linares campus, and students have received training on the keys of the financial and banking world, useful skills for their future professional development.


Edufinet Project, a pioneering initiative


The Edufinet Project was launched in 2007, although its development began in 2005 within Unicaja. It collaborates with 14 universities and more than ten institutions and business organizations.


It is one of the first financial programmes launched in Spain, which in its eleven years of history has received several awards. In fact, in December, the magazine Actualidad Económica awarded Edufinet the second prize in Financial Education, in the category of over 65s, for the ‘I Lectures on Financial Education for Adults and Senior Citizens’.


During its eleven years of trajectory, more than 127,600 people have participated in the different conferences, workshops, lectures and seminars developed, of which 89,000 have attended the Conferences on Financial Education for Young People. The website has registered so far more than 7.6 million visits, with access from nearly 180 countries.


Edufinet offers two additional specific Internet portals: one aimed at young people (Edufinext) and one for business owners and entrepreneurs (Edufiemp).

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