
Unicaja's Edufinet Project gives a lecture at the University of Valladolid on decision-making to set a business

The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, has given a lecture at the Faculty of Economics in Valladolid, on the keys to make the best decisions in entrepreneurship.

31 MAR 2019

3 Min reading

A group of 60 people, students of the Faculty of Economics and representatives from the Castilla y Leon Family Business Forum (Fórum de la Empresa Familiar de Castilla y León, EFCyL), have received information on the main topics related to setting a business.


This is another initiative of the Edufinet Project on Financial Education in the region of Castilla y Leon, which include, among other actions, lectures for different audiences and publishing.


The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, has organized a lecture at the University of Valladolid called ‘Decision-making for entrepreneurship’. The talk, given by José María López, Head of CSR at Unicaja Banco, was addressed to an audience of 60 people, composed by students of Market Research and Techniques at the Faculty of Economics and by representatives from the Castilla y Leon Family Business Forum.


The lecture has provided the attendees with remarks on entrepreneurship and the criteria to choose the legal form of the company, as well as other topical issues. In his speech, José María López has also made reference to the procedures to create a sociedad anónima or limitada and to the preparation of the Corporate Bylaws. Emphasis has been placed on the funding for the project, and on the Spanish Law on support to entrepreneurs and internationalization (Ley de Apoyo a los Emprendedores y el Apoyo a la Internacionalización).


This is one of the training activities developed by Unicaja through the Edufinet Project. This time, the bank has addressed, focusing on entrepreneurship, to students of Economics, contributing as well to the training activities carried out periodically by the Castilla y Leon Family Business Forum, as per that established in the agreement entered into between Unicaja Banco and the said Forum.


Training activity of the Family Business Forum


Composed by nearly one hundred members from 18 to 35 years old, the activities of the Family Forum intend to provide guidance and information to the youth member of family businesses in Castilla y Leon who shall have managerial responsibilities or shall own the businesses member of EFCL.


Castilla y Leon Family Business Forum was established in September 2000 by EFCL, upon the concern of family business owners about the need for their successors to acquire specific training on the features of these companies, so as to facilitate their continuity and to raise awareness on the importance of their role in generational transition.


Edufinet Project


The Edufinet Project was launched in 2007, although its development began in 2005 within Unicaja. It collaborates with 14 universities -including those of Salamanca, Leon and Burgos- and with more than ten business organizations and institutions. It is one of the financial education projects pioneering in Spain, and in its nearly 15 years of trajectory, it has received several awards.


More than 127,600 people have participated so far in the different conferences, workshops, lectures and seminars developed, of which 89,000 have attended the Conferences on Financial Education for Young People. The website has received 7.6 million visits, with consults and access from 180 countries.


All of the previous has made Edufinet to be one of the pioneering financial education projects in Spain.

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