
Unicaja Banco will support the Academia de la Legislación and the Decanato de Registradores in Valladolid to organize workshops on legal topics

These institutions, which promote training courses, gather a total of 100 professionals of the judiciary in the province.

16 APR 2019

2 Min reading

The bank collaborates with the annual programme of the Academia de la Legislación of Valladolid, which has among its goals the dissemination of Legal Sciences.


Unicaja Banco has renewed the agreement, held in the last years by EspañaDuero with the Real Academia de Legislación y Jurisprudencia de Valladolid and with the Decanato Autonómico de Registradores de la Propiedad y Mercantiles, to continue giving support to these institutions in their goal of providing training and disseminating their activities. The 100 professionals who constitute both associations will benefit from the agreement.


Under this agreement, in 2019 several workshops on legal topics will be organized, such as lectures, symposiums, roundtable discussions and congresses. This activity is part of the annual program of the Academia de Legislación Vallisoletana (Valladolid Legislation Academy), which has among its goals the promotion and dissemination of the knowledge on Legal and Social Sciences, as well as the contribution to the improvement of the legislation throughout the country.


The agreement between the three parties has been signed by Manuel Rubio, Regional Director of Unicaja Banco in Valladolid, María Luisa Segoviano Astaburuaga, in representation of the Real Academia de Legislación y Jurisprudencia de Valladolid; and by Alfonso Candau Pérez, of the Decanato Autonómico de los Registradores de Propiedad y Mercantiles.

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