
Unicaja Banco sponsors the 64th edition of Valladolid International Film Festival (SEMINCI)

The bank shows again its commitment to the prestigious Valladolid Film Festival, to be held from 19 to 26 October.

11 APR 2019

3 Min reading

The traditional ‘red carpet’ will continue to be green, Unicaja Banco’s corporate color, and will be located next to Calderón Theater, cinemas screening the festival films and in several downtown streets.


Unicaja Banco will continue to be a sponsor of the 64th edition of the Semana Internacional del Cine de Valladolid (SEMINCI), following the collaboration agreement signed today with the Fundación Municipal de Cultura of Valladolid City Hall. The agreement has been signed by Ana Redondo, Councillor of Culture, and by the Head of Institutional Relations and Stakeholders of Unicaja Banco, Fernando Ríos. Both institutions have sealed their collaboration in an event attended too by Valladolid City Mayor, Óscar Puente, by the Festival’s Director, Javier Angulo, and by Unicaja Banco’s Regional Manager, Manuel Rubio.


In his speech, the Mayor thanked Unicaja Banco for its commitment to SEMINCI and highlighted the renewal of the bank’s sponsorship and the economic support of Unicaja Banco to this new festival edition.


Unicaja Banco expressed its satisfaction in continuing with the collaboration with the SEMINCI, an event the bank has been linked to for over twenty years. ‘Unicaja Banco has always been interested in collaborating with first-rate cultural projects, such as this prestigious international festival. Our bank has witnessed the growth of SEMINCI, and we feel proud of the success achieved over the years. Therefore, we want to keep on collaborating to its development and to contribute to the boost of the city through cinema.’


Unicaja Banco reiterated the firm commitment of the institution to Valladolid and Castilla y León, and its support to all the projects of customers, companies and institutions in the Community, as well as to prestigious cultural initiatives as SEMINCI.


The ‘red carpet’ will continue to be green, Unicaja Banco’s corporate color


During the eight days of the SEMINCI, Unicaja Banco will contribute to the Festival promotion with the green carpet -the bank’s corporate color- over which actors, directors and other guests will parade on the opening and closing galas.


This carpet will cover the access to Calderón Theater, and also Santiago Street, between Plaza Zorrilla and Plaza Mayor, Plaza de la Fuente Dorada, access to the cinemas screening the films and entry to the official hotels.


The 64th edition of SEMINCI will showcase, during its eight days, more than 200 films of different nationalities, integrated in the Official Section, Meeting Point and the documentary section Time of History. All these screenings are completed by other sections like Miniminci, Seminci Joven, Cinema&Wine and DOC. Spain.


The programme is completed with other cycles and with roundtable discussions, lectures and other events related to cinema.

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