
Unicaja Banco renews its agreement with 380 taxi drivers of Valladolid to facilitate their access to credit

The bank continues supporting these professionals, who will benefit from products on advantageous conditions.

22 APR 2019

2 Min reading

The offer includes loans for the acquisition of vehicles or the management of payment methods to work as taxi driver.


Unicaja Banco is increasing its cooperation with the different associations of the self-employed in the province of Valladolid.


Unicaja Banco and Cooperativa Radio-Taxi de Valladolid have renewed their collaboration agreement, strengthening the relationship held for 15 years with this association which groups 380 of the existing 474 licenses to operate as taxi drivers in the city. The members of the cooperative will have access to different credit alternatives under advantageous terms, which will facilitate the development of their activities. Unicaja Banco provides a solution for one of the main financial and technological demands of these professionals.


The options in the agreement include business investment loans, to acquire new vehicles or to incorporate new technologies, required to exercise as taxi drivers. The agreement has been signed by Unicaja Banco’s Regional Manager in Valladolid, Manuel Rubio, and by the President of Cooperativa Radio-Taxi Valladolid, Roberto Merino.


Additionally, Unicaja Banco has designed a full range of services specially designed to meet the needs of taxi drivers. With the Fee-Free Plan for the Self-Employed, these professionals may reduce or avoid fees for account maintenance, transfers, cards and cheque deposits. The management of collections with cards through PoS terminals will also have special conditions. The offer is completed with special conditions in other products such as credits for cash-flow needs, mortgages and insurances.


Unicaja Banco is increasing its cooperation with the different associations of the self-employed in the province of Valladolid, a traditional are of operation of the bank, where it continues to act as an agent boosting the economic and social development.

  • Productos y servicios


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