
Unicaja Banco becomes a sponsors of Teatro de la Maestranza of Seville

Unicaja Banco joins the group of general sponsors of Teatro de la Maestranza of Seville. Under the signature of an agreement, the bank will support the activity of this cultural space of Seville.

16 APR 2019

2 Min reading

The Teatro de la Maestranza is one of the main cultural references in Andalusia, and one of the main opera houses in the national and European circuit.


Unicaja Banco’s support to Teatro de la Maestranza falls within the bank’s interest in disseminating culture, through actions carried out in the areas where it operates in general and in Seville in particular.


Unicaja Banco joins the group of general sponsors of Teatro de la Maestranza of Seville. Under the signature of an agreement, the bank will support the activity of this cultural space of Seville.


The agreement has been signed by Unicaja Banco’s Head of Institutional Relations and Relations with Stakeholders, Fernando Ríos, and by the General Manager of Teatro de la Maestranza, Javier Menéndez.


Unicaja Banco’s support to Teatro de la Maestranza, one of the main cultural references in Andalusia, and one of the main opera houses in the national and European circuit, falls within its interest in disseminating culture, through actions carried out in the areas where it operates in general and in Seville in particular.


In this line of support to culture, Unicaja Banco, with a proven trajectory of solvency and financial soundness, is also committed to the conservation and restoration of the historic heritage.


This is reflected too in the agreement entered into with Hermandad de la Hiniesta de Sevilla, to contribute, in collaboration with Seville’s City Council, to the restoration and enhancement of the archaeological remains appeared in the excavations of the basement of the headquarters of this brotherhood.


Teatro de la Maestranza


The Teatro de la Maestranza is owned by Consorcio Teatro de la Maestranza y Salas del Arenal de Sevilla, a consortium integrated by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, the Junta de Andalucía, the Diputación Provincial de Sevilla and the Ayuntamiento de Sevilla.


A company is in charge of running the Teatro de la Maestranza and of developing its program –which goes from July to June every season-, with the goal of getting the widest dissemination for its activities.


The Teatro de la Maestranza (, inaugurated on 2 May 1991, presents every year a program of opera, music, dance, zarzuela and top-level shows.

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