
Unicaja Banco renews its agreement with Fundación Caja Duero for the promotion of its activities

Both institutions maintain their collaboration for the development of the activities organized by the Foundation, which regularly reach several hundreds of students and general audience, through courses, workshops, lectures, exhibitions and visits to the Casa-Museo Zacarías Gonzáles.

02 MAY 2019

3 Min reading

One month ago, Unicaja Banco, Fundación Unicaja and Fundación Caja Duero reached an agreement to collaborate in the development of activities on financial education in Castilla y León.


Fundación Caja Duero started its activities in 2005 and it focuses on the promotion of plastic arts through drawing and painting lessons given at the historical building of Escuela de San Eloy.


Unicaja Banco has renewed its commitment to Fundación Caja Duero for the economic support to the activities of the latter. This ensures the continuity of the Foundation, as well as the implementation of its cultural programmes, focused on the promotion of drawing and painting. The maintenance of this support has been reflected in an agreement signed by Unicaja Banco’s General Director of General and Technical Secretariat, José M. Domínguez, and by the President of Fundación Caja Duero, José María de la Vega.


Fundación Caja Duero started its activities in 2005 within the former Caja Duero. During this school year, 200 students –children and adults- receive drawing and painting lessons given at the historical building of Escuela de San Eloy. It also safeguards and manages the museum Casa Museo Zacarías González, which gathers the extensive picture works of this late prestigious artist from Salamanca.


Furthermore, it collaborates with the chorus Coro Ciudad de Salamanca, by facilitating rehearsal halls and working spaces for this music group –originally created by the Foundation- to be able to continue providing musical education to more than 150 children, teenagers and adults.


Fundación Caja Duero is also the holder of one of the most prestigious exhibition rooms in Castilla y León, which hosts different temporary exhibitions, usually organized in collaboration with other institutions.


In its 14 years of history, Fundación Caja Duero has organized a wide range of activities related to arts, music, new technologies, social studies and debate forums.


The activities of Fundación Caja Duero have the economic support of Unicaja Banco, reflected in an agreement which shows its commitment to the social and cultural dimension of this foundational entity.


One month ago, an agreement was reached between Unicaja Banco, Fundación Unicaja and Fundación Caja Duero to collaborate in the implementation of the activities promoted within the framework of the Edufinet Project in Castilla y León. Edufinet, which started in 2005, was established with the goal of improving the financial literacy of the citizens, pursuant to the recommendations made by the OECD and by other national and international organisms.


The Edufinet Project is based on three axes: the general financial education Internet portal (, with its two sub-portals for young people (Edufinext) and for business owners and entrepreneurs (Edufiemp), the publication of works on economics and finances, and ongoing training actions, both on line and on site.

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