
The Board of Directors of Unicaja Banco appoints Ángel Rodríguez de Gracia as new CEO

Ángel Rodríguez de Gracia, current General Director of Assets Recovery and Non-Core Business, and with a broad experience in the financial sector, will replace Enrique Sánchez del Villar as CEO. Mr Sánchez del Villar has served in a period during which the institution has carried out milestones such as its transformation into listed company and the end of the integration of EspañaDuero.

28 JUN 2019

4 Min reading

With this appointment, Unicaja Banco starts a new stage of reinforcement of its strategic plan, focused on the capacity to generate results, the boost to the commercial activity, maintenance of high solvency levels and comfortable liquidity position, as well as on digital transformation and the reduction in non-productive assets.


The Board of Directors has convened an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to put to approval the appointment of Ángel Rodríguez de Gracia as Director.

The Board of Directors of Unicaja Banco approved today the proposal to appoint Ángel Rodríguez de Gracia, current General Director of Assets Recovery and Non-Core Business, as CEO of Unicaja Banco, replacing Enrique Sánchez del Villar, who has served the company in a period during which several milestones have been completed, such as the transformation into listed company, the successful completion of the integration of EspañaDuero or the boost to the digital transformation process. Rodríguez de Gracia has a broad experience in managerial positions in the financial sector and at the Institution, with full knowledge and strategic acumen of it.


The appointment of Ángel Rodríguez de Gracia as Executive Director of the Bank is expected to be put to a vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, called to be held on 30 July. The effectiveness of the said appointment, as well as the designation as CEO by the Board of Directors, will be, in any case, subject to the corresponding regulatory authorizations.


The Board of Directors has considered the profile of Ángel Rodríguez de Gracia –who joined Unicaja in 1992- as the most appropriate to start a new stage of reinforcement of its strategic plan, focused on the capacity to generate results, boost to the commercial activity, maintenance of the high solvency levels and the comfortable liquidity position, as well as on the reduction of non-productive assets.


With this appointment, Unicaja Banco intends to accelerate the cultural and digital transformation it is immersed in, as well as to strengthen the strategy of commercial boost.


The career of Ángel Rodríguez de Gracia shows full knowledge of the organizational structure, way of working and evolution of the Institution, and is supported by his broad experience in managerial positions such as Retail Banking, Technology or Treasury and Capital Markets, for instance, and recently, in the reduction of non-productive assets. All of the previous provides a broad strategic acumen and knowledge on business management, so as to face the scenarios and challenges of the financial sector.


Other details


Born in Mora (Toledo) in 1955, Ángel Rodríguez de Gracia has a degree in Business Science by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has 42 years of experience in managerial positions in the financial sector, of which 27 in Unicaja. He started his career at Arthur Anderson, an audit company where he served as Manager of the Financial Institutions Division. Before joining Unicaja, he held different positions in financial institutions –Financial Director at Finamersa Entidad de Financiación, S.A. and Administration Manager at Caja General de Ahorros de Granada-.


In 1992 he joins Unicaja, where he has held senior management positions in the areas of Operating Systems and Control, Planning and Commercial Development, Retail Banking and Network.


Since 2011, with the establishment of Unicaja Banco, he has been the head of the  areas of Investment Banking, Strategic and Corporate Development, Investees and, recently, of the General Directorate of Assets Recovery and Non-Core Business, position that he currently holds.

Additionally, Rodríguez de Gracia serves at the board of directors of companies suc as Banco Europeo de Finanzas, S.A., Hidralia, Gestión Integral de Aguas de Andalucía, S.A., Muelle Uno-Puerto de Málaga, Unicorp Vida, Cía de Seguros y Reaseguros or Gestión de Inmuebles Adquiridos, company where he is the Chairman. He has also been member of the Board of Directors of EspañaDuero.


Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders  


On another note, the Board of Directors of Unicaja Banco has resolved to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of Directors, to be held on 30 July on first call. In addition to the proposal to appoint Ángel Rodríguez de Gracia Executive Director at Unicaja Banco, a proposed resolution related to the Institution’s treasury shares shall be submitted.

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