
Unicaja Banco reaffirms its commitment to companies and boosts access to services through the digital banking app

Unicaja Banco reaffirms its commitment to companies and has improved the accessibility of its services for this group of customers in its digital banking app, putting at their disposal, also through this channel, a wide, varied and innovative range of functionalities for the commercial management of companies, as well as professional services of high added value.

04 JUN 2019

3 Min reading

The bank offers a comprehensive catalogue of services for companies, managed through digital banking, such as the management of collections and payments to providers and customers, financing facilities through Unicaja Confirming and/or Leasing, installation of PoS, e-Business Card and the Fee-Free Plan for Companies and the Self-employed, with zero commissions.


Unicaja Banco’s support to companies and to the self-employed falls within its activity as a financial institution focused on retail and proximity banking, and within its role to promote the economic development, especially in the areas where it operates, such as Andalusia, Castilla y Leon, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura.


Unicaja Banco reaffirms its commitment to companies and has improved the accessibility of its services for this group of customers in its digital banking app, putting at their disposal, also through this channel, a wide, varied and innovative range of functionalities for the commercial management of companies, as well as professional services of high added value.


Unicaja Banco offers a comprehensive catalogue of services, accessible through the digital banking mobile app, aimed at facilitating the daily professional and commercial management of companies, and which join those offered at the bank’s branches.


The new features include Unicaja Confirming, a comprehensive service of administration and financing to manage the payment of companies to their suppliers, offering them possibility to receive the advance payment of the bills before their due date. This reduces the administrative tasks and companies receive a service of information and control for all of their payment transactions.


Unicaja Banco’s support to companies and to the self-employed falls within its activity as a financial institution focused on retail and proximity banking, and within its role to promote the economic development, especially in the areas where it operates, such as Andalusia, Castilla y Leon, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura.


Among the services offered in digital banking, there are services for the management of collections, such as SEPA direct debits, to issue receipts to be collected by direct debit, cheques and promissory notes cashing through digital banking and the e-invoice service, an innovative procedure for e-invoicing.


The services for the management of payments include SEPA transfers, which allow users to order transfers by sending files for the payment to providers and to request the issuance of banking cheques; the issue of promissory notes remittances by current account and by direct debit, and the collection to customers, all of that manageable through digital banking.


Also, the main financial services for companies in their professional activities are provided in the Bussiness Account, in the Current Account Credit for the payment to suppliers and creditors and in the Fracciona Loan, for financing the payment of taxes by companies and the self-employed, such as the VAT, personal income tax withholdings and partial payments of the Companies Tax.


In terms of leasing, the company offers the possibility of financing a productive asset, and it provides the option to purchase it at the end of the agreement, with interesting tax advantages. Additionally, Unicaja Banco has an agreement with the European Investement Bank (EIB) to facilitate credit under advantageous conditions to companies and to the self-employed to finance projects for investment, business development and cash-flow financing.


Unicaja Banco puts at the disposal of companies and the self-employed the e-Business Card, and it installs for free PoSTs for card payments, both conventional and virtual for sales over the Internet.

  • Productos y servicios


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