
Unicaja Banco helps students to pay for their university tuition fees and allows them to receive in advance the amount of scholarships with 0 per cent interest loans

Unicaja Banco puts one more year at the disposal of university students the Préstamo Matrícula (Tuition Fee Loan), a 0% interest and no fee financing product to facilitate the payment of tuition fees for the school year 2019-2020.

16 SEP 2019

3 Min reading

Additionally, the bank offers to the students who receive grants or scholarships for their studies the possibility to receive the payment in advance, with the Anticipo Beca (Scholarship Advance), a 0% interest rate and with no fees product available to university and high school students.


Unicaja Banco’s range of products for young people is included within the web platform Espacio Joven Uni (, which also features training alternatives through agreements with business schools and the call for postgraduate studies scholarships.


Unicaja Banco helps students with the payment of their university tuition fees and offers them the possibility to receive in advance the payment of their scholarship, with 0% interest rate loans. In this line, the bank puts at the disposal of students the Préstamo Matrícula (Tuition Fees Loan) and the Anticipo Beca (Scholarship Advance), which, in addition to 0% interest rate, have no fees.


Unicaja Banco offers students the mentioned Préstamo Matrícula, for the payment of the tuition fees at the university center they will attend during the school year 2019-2020.


The maximum amount to finance with the Préstamo Matrícula, at a 0% interest rate and with no fees, is 3,000 euros, to be repaid in nine months (


The Scholarship Advance is a loan to receive in advance the payment of the grant given to university or high school students (Secondary Education or Baccalaureate). It also features a 0% interest rate and has no fees. Granting of this advance is subject to the bank’s criterion (


The amount to advance will be equal to the scholarship amount, with a maximum of 3,000 euros and a maximum repayment term of nine months or upon the receipt of the grant amount. The advantageous conditions of the Grant Advance are also available to high school students (Secondary Education or Baccalaureat).


Unicaja Banco supports financing to students and young people


Unicaja Banco features a full and competitive range of specific products for financing studies, such as the loans for the payment of tuition fees, scholarship advance or loans for post-graduate studies, providing young people between 18 and 27 years old with Fee-Free prodcuts, such as the young account, MasterCard Contactless debit card and Unicaja Banco’s e-banking services (Unicaja Mobile, UniPay and other functionalities such as Apple, Samsung and Google mobile payment services).


Unicaja Banco’s range of financial products for the young is completed with the web platform Espacio Joven Uni (, which includes alternatives to improve their education via agreements with business schools and centers which offer discounts in their programmes, and with full post-graduate grants.


This clear commitment of Unicaja Banco to financing studies is reflected in the products Préstamo Matrícula and Anticipo Beca, which are free as they are made on a financing basis at 0% interest rate.

  • Productos y servicios


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