
Unicaja Banco sponsors the program of the Cánovas del Castillo Library, with more than 40 activities scheduled until December

The Cánovas del Castillo Library, dependent on Malaga Provincial Council (Diputación de Málaga), organizes 44 activities until the end of the year, through collaboration with Unicaja Banco.

23 SEP 2019

5 Min reading

New cycles, initiatives to encourage reading, activities about Malaga history and events on science make up this program, integrated in the more than one hundred activities that will take place mainly at the Centro Cultural Provincial María Victoria Atencia of Malaga Provincial Council.


Unicaja Banco’s support to Cánovas del Castillo Library falls within its general interest in promoting cultural initiatives in the areas where it operates, in general, and in particular, those activities aimed to encourage reading.


The Cánovas del Castillo Library (calle Ollerías) will organize 44 activities until the end of the year, thanks to the collaboration of Unicaja Banco. New cycles, initiatives to encourage reading, activities about Málaga history and events on science make up this program, integrated within the more than one hundred activities that will take place mainly at the Centro Cultural Provincial María Victoria Atencia of Malaga Provincial Council.


The program has been presented by the Provincial Counselor for Culture, Víctor González, and by the cultural manager Cristina Consuegra, in an event attended by Juan de Mata Sanz, Unicaja Banco’s representative for Institutional Relations and Relations with Stakeholders.


Unicaja Banco’s support to Cánovas del Castillo Library falls within its general interest in promoting cultural initiatives in the areas where it operates, in general, and in particular, those activities aimed to encourage reading.


New cycles


This period will feature new cycles, such as Letras Negras, to be held on October and which will discuss the characteristics of contemporary black literature through conversations with key authors, in order to understand this genre and its link to reality. Entry to the different sessions is free but subject to availability, and the events will start at 19:30 at the MVA Auditorium (calle Ollerías, 34). The guests will be writers Víctor del Árbol, Dolores Redondo and Domingo Villar, and they will talk about their latest books.


Other cycle will be Málaga eterna, for a general audience and hosted during three Thursdays in October, with lectures on Malaga history and including a guided tour. Speakers include José Suárez, lecturer at the University of Malaga, who will talk about Phoenician Malaga; José Ángel Palomares, curator of Malaga Museum; and Lola Clavero, writer and journalist, who will talk about Malaga through paintings of the 19th century; and Antonio Olea and Félix Álvarez, who, on the basis of their books ‘Tranquillo Bianchi, el cónsul italiano de la Guerra Civil de Málaga’ and ‘La lista de Smerdou. Los refugiados de Villa Maya. 1936-1937’, will show Malaga solidarity in the 20th century conflicts. Additionally, Cultopía will organize a visit to Temboury’s Malaga, to learn and appreciate the work that he made in the city.


The November cycle will be dedicated to science. El futuro de las ciencias, nuestras científicas te orientan is a roundtable discussion with the participation of teachers from different Andalusian universities and from different disciplines, such as Maths, Chemistry and Technology, who will meet Secondary Education and Baccalaureate high schools.


Book dates


On the occasion of the Women Authors’ Day, different authors from different generations and sharing a view of life experience and feminism like Marta Sanz and Cristina Fallarás, will participate in a roundtable on the book ‘Tsunami. Miradas feministas’. The workshop Mujeres a pie de letra will be organized by Rocío Antón, who sees literature as a reflection of reality and, at the same time, as a powerful tool to transform reality and to build a more equal society.


There will be a book club for kids and for adults, with books by Elena Ferrante and Herminia Luque and story-time in English and French for a general audience, to encourage language learning.


Té con diálogos filosóficos, for adults, will gather people to reflect on particular topics, to listen and to share ideas or thoughts, starting from a poem, a story, song lyrics, a movie or a book excerpt.




The library will organize a workshop on the creation of comics and how to design a superhero, within the activities of the Comic Week, to be supplemented with Mucho más que series, an activity for Secondary Education and Baccalaureate students, which uses serial fiction as an incentive.


The eBiblio workshop will focus on training the library users on how eBiblio works. eBiblio is the platform of Andalusia’s Public Library Network, and it allows users to borrow the latest editorial releases in digital format, to be read in tablets, smartphones, PCs or e-books.


The BiblioDojo workshop will be developed in four sessions, in collaboration with Coderdojo Malaga Teatinos, and will introduce children aged 8-17 to coding and new technologies, teaching them how to develop websites, apps, programs and games, as well as how to use technology to build several objects.


Another workshop will focus on astronomy and will be organized in collaboration with Asociación Sirio. Teenagers will learn about astronomy and astronomic observation, light pollution or how to find their way in the night sky.


The conference Papá, ¿dónde se enchufa el sol? will be given by the science communicator Antonio Martínez Ron, who will talk about the book that he wrote with his daughter. The book includes the questions made by the girl at night time, and the answers he gave, to help other caregivers and children understand many science topics.


And finally, a visit to Centro Principia is scheduled for the last day. This will be an activity open to a general audience to enjoy the science center.

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