
Unicaja Banco organizes in Leon a Workshop on Private Banking to advise customers on investments

The workshop has analyzed those factors which can have an effect on the savings and investments of families and businesses, and the best strategies to face them.

22 OCT 2019

2 Min reading

This workshop is part of a cycle organized by Unicaja Banco in different cities across the country, with sessions scheduled in Valladolid and Salamanca.


The organization of these meetings is part of Unicaja Banco’s interest to put at the disposal of its clients tools to facilitate their activity and to talk about investment opportunities.


Unicaja Banco has organized in Leon a Workshop on Private Banking to analyze those factors which can have an effect on the savings and investments of families and businesses, and the best strategies to face them. This workshop is part of a cycle organized by Unicaja Banco in different cities across the country, with sessions scheduled in Valladolid and Salamanca.


The organization of these meetings is part of Unicaja Banco’s interest to put at the disposal of its individual and business clients the services and tools to facilitate their activity, to offer direct financial advice and to discuss investment opportunities.


In Leon, this Private Banking workshop has been hosted at the Hotel Conde Luna and has been attended by Pedro Martos, Unicorp Patrimonio’s Commercial Manager; by Miguel Ángel Paz, Investment Manager at Unicorp Patrimonio; and by Unicaja Banco’s Regional Manager Marga Serna. The audience comprised 50 clients, including business owners and individual investors.


Under the title How to invest in a zero-rate environment, the economic and political situation at an international level during 2019 has been analyzed from the point of view of investors. This year has witnessed an increase in the volatility of financial markets and fear of the adverse effects of the trade war between the United States and China, the Brexit and the extended scenario of low interest rates.


In this context, Miguel Ángel Paz has talked about the geopolitical uncertainties, the evolution of stock markets, the growth of emerging markets and about the need to take risks to earn returns.

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