
Thirty experts will analyze the challenges faced by financial education at Unicaja 2nd Edufinet Congress, to be held in Malaga on 21 and 22 November

The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, will organize in Malaga on 21 and 22 November the second edition of the Financial Education Congress, which will gather thirty speakers and commentators from different fields.

15 NOV 2019

3 Min reading

This Congress (www.edufinetcongress2019.es), which will be held at Centro Cultural Fundación Unicaja, in Plaza del Obispo, and sponsored by Funcas, is entitled ‘Financial education for a changing society’.


The goal of this initiative is to reinforce education in finance, identify its challenges and to enhance the efficiency of financial education programmes.


Thirty experts, including speakers and commentators from different public and private institutions, will participate in the 2nd Financial Education Congress, to be held in Malaga on 21 and 22 November and organized by Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja.


This Congress (www.edufinetcongress2019.es), which will be held at Centro Cultural Fundación Unicaja, in Plaza del Obispo, and sponsored by Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros (Funcas), is entitled ‘Financial education for a changing society’.


In particular, this event is aimed to academics, professionals and representatives of public and private institutions, although it is open to the general public.


Speakers include representatives from the bank of Spain, the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV), foundations, CECA, the European Economic and Social Committee, universities of Malaga, Salamanca, Granada, Carlos III from Madrid or Balearic Islands, educational centres, business schools, research departments at financial institutions, banks, consultants, lawyers and other private institutions.


Some of the general goals of the Congress are to become a meeting point for the main agents involved or interested in financial education; to analyze their current situation in order to identify trends and points of interest, and to share knowledge and experience.


The Congress also seeks to identify the main challenges to improve financial literacy; to select key topics for the ongoing adaptation of financial education programmes to the new realities and changing needs of the different population groups –with special focus on digital transformation-; and finally, to shape the most suitable strategies and the optimal design of educational programmes.


The congress will be divided into 12 sessions organized under different topics. On 21 November, the following topics will be addressed: the purposes of financial education and its relation to entrepreneurship or investment services; behavioural economics; training of volunteers participating in financial education actions; consumer credit loans and business loans, and ageing population.


The five remaining sessions will be developed on 22 November: assessment of financial education programme and its relation to millennials; taxes; digitalization and subscription of financial products, and climatic change.


With regard to the format, the speaker will present an article prepared for this Congress, and then the moderator will make some questions. At the end of each session, the public will have the opportunity to make questions.


Edufinet Project


The Edufinet Project was launched in 2007, although its development began in 2005 within Unicaja, with the collaboration of the Andalusia International University (UNIA, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía) and of the University of Malaga (UMA). In its nearly 15 years of trajectory, this pioneering financial education has received several awards.


Edufinet currently collaborates with more than 16 universities and more than ten business organizations and institutions. Since it was launched, more than 152,000 people have participated in the different workshops, seminars, courses and lectures organized, of which more than 108,000 have participated through the Conferences on Financial Education for Young People. The website www.edufinet.com has registered so far more than 7.8 million visits, with access from nearly 180 countries.



Download "Programa II Congreso Edufinet de Educación Financiera" (In Spanish)

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