
Unicaja Banco launches a new campaign of pension plans with rebates of up to 5%

Unicaja Banco has launched a new pension plan campaign, which features rebates both for the amounts transferred from other institutions and extraordinary contributions, with up to 5% in cash on the amount contributed.

04 NOV 2019

5 Min reading

As a new feature this year, Unicaja Banco launches a new modality: Life Cycle Plans, called Uniplan Contigo, with different retirement horizons, accompanying customers in every stage of their lives and changing with them, according to their needs, to ensure a retirement without any kind of concern. These plans reduce the level of risk as customers approach retirement date.


For Life Cycle Plans, as well as for the rest of Unicaja Banco pension plans, the bank offers not only cash rebates, but also loans with 0% interest to make extraordinary contributions.


The full range of pension plans offered by Unicaja Banco are adapted to any risk profile, with average yields per category higher than the average of the market and the main banks.

Unicaja Banco, in response to the traditional end-of-year increase in the demand of pension plans, has launched a new campaign for this kind of financial products. Among its main features, it includes rebates on the amounts transferred from other institutions and on extraordinary contributions, with payments in cash which may reach up to 5% of the contributed amount.


In particular, for amounts transferred from other institutions, cash rebates may reach up to 4% of the transferred amount, and a rebate of 1% on the extraordinary contribution is also offered. In both cases, a commitment to remain is applicable.


This year campaign features a new modality that comes to join the traditional offer of Unicaja Banco: Life Cycle Plans, for which, as in the rest of the pension plans, the bank offers rebates and loans with 0% interest to make extraordinary contributions to the plan.


In this Life Cycle Plans campaign, Unicaja Banco offers not only cash rebates, but also loans with 0% interest to make extraordinary contributions to the plan.


In the medium term, Unicaja Banco pension plans feature yields per category higher than the market average. Furthermore, the current range of products provides great flexibility to make contributions, which can be made on a regular (monthly, quarterly, bi-annual or annually) or on an extraordinary basis.


Uniplan Contigo


As a new feature in 2019, Unicaja Banco includes a new modality: Life Cycle Plans, called Uniplan Contigo, with a diversified portfolio reducing risk as customers approach the target retirement date.


In this case, customers do not need to change their pension plans over time, as the plan adjusts annually the allocation of assets, reducing exposures to variable income and increasing investments in fixed income. In particular, Uniplan Contigo has four modalities or age ranges, according to the expected retirement date of customers: around 2054, 2046, 2038 and 2030.


Therefore, Unicaja Banco has a wide range of pension plans to cover any risk profile, from short-term conservative fixed income to more aggressive variable income plans, with alternatives for all customers.


Historically, the investment strategy followed by the bank has provided clients with satisfactory results in all its plans, while maintaining low levels of volatility and getting, at the same time, positive returns in the long-term, which can be favourably compared to the market average. This fact gives Unicaja Banco a privileged situation in market positioning.


With the focus on customer satisfaction, Unicaja Banco manages its funds with a long-term view, aimed at two main goals: providing stable returns and preserving capital. In fact, Unicorp Vida pension plans, commercialized by the bank, are recommended by renowned independent analysts, such as Morningstar, which gives them high ratings.


Other of the reasons given by the bank to promote the subscription of its pension plans are the personalized advice provided both upon the subscription and upon the reception of the payments, and the specialized staff that it has, always giving the best service to analyze the clients’ needs and to offer the most suitable option.


The bank also highlights the advantages and functionalities of its Digital Banking, what enables to make regular or extraordinary contributions in an agile, easy and intuitive manner.


External transfers and extraordinary contributions


Unicaja Banco promotes in its new campaign the transfer of pension funds from other financial institutions, setting a minimum limit of €6,000 and being 31 December 2019 the latest day to apply for the transfer. It has established cash rebates, ranging between 2, 3 and 4% on the funds transferred.


In particular, the rebates, which are subject to the commitment to remain, will be of 2% of the transferred amount for a three year period, of 3% when remaining for five years, and 4% for seven years of permanence. During this time, the client commits to maintain his/her position in plans marketed by Unicaja Banco and not to cash them as capital (cash in the form of regular income is permitted).


With this new pension plan campaign, Unicaja Banco also promotes extraordinary contributions made at the end of the year (€3,500 minimum) with a rebate of 1% on the contributed amount and with a commitment to remain for three years.


As in previous years, Unicaja Banco offers its customers a loan to make extraordinary contributions to pensions plans with 0% interest. Subscription period expires also on 31 December, and the maximum loan amount is €6,000, with no arrangement, opening or early redemption fees.

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