
Unicaja Banco is committed the social work of Mensajeros de la Paz and sign a collaboration agreement to help the most disadvantaged

Unicaja Banco and Mensajeros de la Paz, a charity founded by father Ángel, have signed a collaboration agreement under which the bank undertakes to provide support to the social projects developed by the charity and aimed to improve the situation of the most disadvantaged, mainly international cooperation initiatives.

12 NOV 2019

4 Min reading

The agreement, which reinforces the collaboration relationship between the parties and reflected so far in the organization of lectures given by father Ángel in different cities across Spain, has been signed in Malaga by the Chairman of Unicaja Banco, Manuel Azuaga, and by the President of Edad Dorada-Mensajeros de la Paz Andalucía, Julio Millán.


The bank, within the framework of its CSR, wants to collaborate to foster research, economic development, innovation, education, culture, defense of the environment, sports and, in general, those projects aimed to improve the welfare of society.


Unicaja Banco shows once again its commitment to the association Mensajeros de la Paz, a charity founded by father Ángel, as both institutions have signed a collaboration agreement. The goal of the agreement is to provide support to the development of the social projects run by the charity and to help the most disadvantaged.


The collaboration agreement has been signed by the Chairman of Unicaja Banco, Manuel Azuaga, and by the President of Edad Dorada-Mensajeros de la Paz Andalucía, Julio Millán.


Under this agreement and within the framework of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Unicaja Banco wants to collaborate with Mensajeros de la Paz in the development of its work, whose purpose is the human and social promotion of the most vulnerable, such as children, young people, the elderly, and women victims of gender violence.


In this case, Unicaja Banco will support international cooperation projects fostered by the association Mensajeros de la Paz and developed in countries such as Benin, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Haiti or Peru.


The general goal of Unicaja Banco is to participate in the promotion of research, economic development, innovation, education, culture, defense of the environment, sports and in those social projects and actions aimed to improve well-being and to produce benefits for the society where it carries out its business activity.


Lectures by father Ángel


The already existing collaboration between Unicaja Banco and Mensajeros de la Paz is reflected in the organization of a series of lectures given by father Ángel, president and founder of this charity. The lectures were organized in different cities: Soria, Palencia, Zamora and, most recently, in Malaga in the month of September.


Ángel García Rodríguez, known as father Ángel, and Ángel Silva Sánchez founded Mensajeros de la Paz in 1962 as ‘Cruz de los Ángeles’. It is a charity committed to the creation of homes for children and young people deprived of a family environment or who have been abandoned.


Over the years, Mensajeros de la Paz expanded its activities to other vulnerable social sectors: women who are victims of domestic violence, people with physical or mental disabilities, and the elderly living in solitude, abandonment or indigence.


In any case, the goal of this charity has always been the human and social promotion of the most disadvantaged, and so it has adapted to the different social realities of Spain and the rest of the world.


Social initiatives


Currently the charity runs several social programmes, as well as initiatives on training, childhood, women, the elderly, immigrants, etc., and it manages nearly one hundred nursing homes for the elderly throughout Spain. All the activities aim to improve the social and living conditions of the most disadvantaged.


Mensajeros de la Paz has a staff or nearly 3,900 employees and more than 4,000 volunteers. Some 51,000 children and young people have stayed at its centers and nearly 12,000 old people have received assistance at its nursing homes. In particular, this organization develops its activity in more than 50 countries and has been awarded, inter alia, with the Prince of Asturias Award of Concord.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa


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