
Unicaja Banco and Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Málaga renew their collaboration, benefiting nearly 700 pharmacies in the province

Unicaja Banco reinforces its support to the Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de Málaga (Icofma) with the renewal of an agreement under which the Bank will continue to provide a comprehensive specific financial service, on advantageous terms, to the over 2,000 pharmacists and 680 pharmacies member of the association.

05 NOV 2019

3 Min reading

With the agreement, the financial institution puts at the disposal of pharmacists a full range of products designed to meet their needs, as well as funding facilities to improve the development of their professional activity.


This collaboration falls within Unicaja Banco’s interest in supporting the business and professional fabric, as well as in promoting entrepreneurship as a key driver in the creation of jobs and in the social and economic development of the areas where it operates and, in particular, in the province of Malaga.


Unicaja Banco supports one more year the Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de Málaga (Málaga Official Association of Pharmacists, Icofma) with the renewal of an agreement under which the bank will provide a comprehensive specific financial service on advantageous terms to the over 2,000 pharmacists and 680 pharmacies member of the association in the province of Malaga.


With the agreement, the financial institution also puts at the disposal of pharmacists a full range of products specifically designed to meet their needs, as well as funding facilities to improve the development of their professional activity.


This collaboration falls within Unicaja Banco’s interest in supporting the business and professional fabric, as well as in promoting entrepreneurship as a key driver in the creation of jobs and in the social and economic development of the areas where it operates and, in particular, in the province of Malaga.


The agreement, which reinforces the existing relationship between the parties, was signed by Unicaja Banco’s Regional Manager in Málaga, José Manuel Alba, and by the President of the Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de Málaga, Francisco Javier Florido.


Unicaja Banco’s range of financial products and services, on advantageous terms, aims at meeting the needs of the pharmacists who are member of the association, and at improving and facilitating the development of their activities.


The main features of the offer and of the agreement are a special financing service for pharmacies (credit account for the advance payment of the Andalusian Health Service, special conditions in PoSTs, advantageous conditions for current accounts and financing for working capital and investments).


It also includes a wide range of Unicaja Banco products and services on advantageous terms, such as channeling of official credits and subsidies; Pharmacy Business Account, Proxima Personal Banking Account and Fee Free Plan for Professional Freelancers; funding for the acquisition of premises to establish pharmacies; Digital Banking (Unicaja Banco UniVía service and mobile services for smartphones or tablet, Flexicompra financing system, PoS terminals, E-Business card); service for the payment of salaries, direct debit of invoices and payment of taxes; financing for the transfer of pharmacies, and a wide range of insurance and pension plans with competitive returns.


Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Málaga


The Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Málaga has more than 2,000 members in the province, and its main goals include the regulation of the profession, its exclusive representation and the defense of the interests of its members.


It also aims at the safeguard and observance of the deontological principles and dignity and prestige, at enhancing the scientific, cultural, economic and social levels, and at collaborating with the public administration to achieve the right to health protection.


* Further information: www.icofma.es

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