
Unicaja's Edufinet Project teaches students of the School of Industrial Engineering of the UMA the main financing options for their initiatives

The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, has given a workshop on financial education to students of the School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Malaga (UMA), in collaboration with the said institution, to talk about the main financing options, the financial products available in the market for companies and concepts such as circular economy and sustainable finance, included in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda.

27 DEC 2019

3 Min reading

The goal of this training session is to provide students with the basic skills to act autonomously in the area of finance, as well as to assess and choose the most suitable product to launch a future entrepreneurship project.


The Edufinet Project, which currently collaborates with more than twenty universities, institutions and business organizations, is a financial education project pioneering Spain. Its work to improve literacy on this subject has been recognized with several awards.


The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, has given recently a workshop on financial education to students of the School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Malaga (UMA), in collaboration with the said institution, to talk about the main financing options, the financial products available in the market for companies and concepts such as circular economy and sustainable finance, included in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda.


The goal of this training session is to provide students with the basic skills to act autonomously in the area of finance, as well as to assess and choose the most suitable product to launch a future entrepreneurship project.


The topics covered at the workshop have included the main financial solutions for entrepreneurship, with special focus on financing, the legal form of companies and new developments of the Spanish Law of support to entrepreneurs, as well as the steps to set up a company.


The Edufinet Project intends to enhance transparency, security and responsibility in the development of the relations between citizens and financial intermediaries, thus leading to improved market efficiency, through an increased knowledge of the tools needed to operate in them.


Promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, the Edufinet Project is a financial education project pioneering Spain whose work to improve literacy on this subject has been recognized with several awards. It currently collaborates with more than twenty universities, institutions and business organizations.


Edufinet Project, a pioneering initiative


The Edufinet Project has been working for nearly 15 years to bring financial education closer to society. Unicaja is thus one of the pioneering financial institutions in Spain to launch an initiative of this kind. For this purpose, the project currently collaborates with more than ten business organizations and institutions, as well as with 16 universities.


Edufinet was launched, through an Internet portal for the general public, at the end of 2007, although its development began in 2005, within Unicaja. Since it was launched, more than 152,000 people have participated directly in workshops or seminars, of which more than 108,000 were young people. The website has received 7.8 million visits, with access and consults from 180 countries.


This Internet portal on financial education includes systematic and practical information, in a question-answer format and where no previous knowledge is required. Later, two additional portals were created with specific contents: one for business owners and entrepreneurs (Edufiemp), and one for financial education for young people (Edufinext).


Edufinet organizes the Conferences on Financial Education for Young People and the Financial Olympics, as well as workshops and lectures at universities, summer courses or participation in international projects. It also fosters several publications, such as the ‘Financial Guide’ or the ‘Financial Guide for business owners and entrepreneurs’.

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