
Unicaja enters into an agreement with the Malaga association La Gota Roja, to raise awareness among young people of the need for blood donation

The bank will provide support, within the framework of its CSR policy, to the project ‘Apúntate un Tanto-Dona Sangre’, which seeks to inform and raise awareness among people aged between 15 and 20 of the importance of blood donation.

18 DEC 2019

2 Min reading

The goals of this project are to bring donation closer to the young, to promote the values of solidarity and volunteering and to get to cover blood needs.


Unicaja Banco has entered into an agreement with the Asociación de Donantes de Sangre de Málaga La Gota Roja with the goal of collaborating with this association in the development of campaigns to raise awareness, especially among young people, of the need for blood donation.


The bank will provide support to the information and dissemination project ‘Apúntate un Tanto-Dona Sangre’, developed in high schools and university centers and which seeks to inform and raise awareness among people aged between 15 and 20 of the importance of blood donation, as they need to increase not only in the short-term but also with a view to the future.


The agreement has been signed by Unicaja Banco’s Head of Institutional Relations and Relations with Stakeholders, Fernando Ríos, and by the President of Asociación de Donantes de Sangre de Málaga La Gota Roja, Carlos Guirado.


Unicaja Banco’s support tot La Gota Roja falls within its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy and within its will to promote those projects and social actions that contribute to social well-being and bring benefits for the society.


The project ‘Apúntate un Tanto-Dona Sangre’ intends to bring blood donation closer to the young, to promote the values of solidarity and volunteering and to get to cover the blood needs.




In particular, this project includes informative talks in high schools and faculties, with a blood donation bus. Visits to the Centro Regional de Transfusión Sanguínea (CRTS) are also considered in the project.


Working with young students can also have a direct influence in their parents. Therefore, this project works having in mind the present and the future, to increase the number of donations and to raise awareness.


La Gota Roja


The Asociación de Donantes de Sangre La Gota Roja (https://lagotarojamalaga.org/), with 25 years of existence, works jointly with the Centro Regional de Transfusión Sanguínea, Tejidos y Celulas de Málaga in the promotion of donations.


In fact, more than one hundred volunteers from all the province and aged between 16 and 65 collaborate with the CRTS in the different campaigns carried out to ensure the provision of blood to hospital, especially in those developed in university centers, businesses and public institutions.

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