
'Picasso & Paper' at the Royal Academy of London

The Royal Academy of London has presented the exhibition ‘Picasso & Paper’, supported by Unicaja, Malaga City Council and Malaga County Council, and to be inaugurated on 25 January

22 JAN 2020

1 Min reading

The Royal Academy of Arts of London has presented the exhibition ‘Picasso & Paper’, to be inaugurated on 25 January and supported by Unicaja, Malaga City Council and Malaga County Council. This exhibition will be on display until 13 April.


The exhibition, with more than 300 works by Picasso, covers all the stages of his prolific career and represents an important chapter in modern art.


The presentation event, organized at Burlington House, has been attended by Unicaja, by Juan de Mata Sanz, representative of the Insitutional Relations Department of Unicaja Banco; by Cristina Rico, Head of Communication, Advertising and External Relations of Fundación Unicaja, and by Emilia Garrido, Head of Plastic Arts and Museums of Fundación Unicaja.


The event has also been attended by the mayor of Malaga, Francisco de la Torre, by the vice-president of Malaga County Council and general manager of Turismo Costa del Sol, Margarita del Cid, and by the President of the Royal Academy of Arts (RAA), Rebecca Salter.




  • Institucional

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