
Unicaja Banco supports those affected by the recent storms in Malaga district of Campanillas with a financing facility of €25 million

Unicaja Banco has set a €25 million special financing facility for those affected by the recent floods in Campanillas (Malaga) caused by the storm 'Gloria'

29 JAN 2020

2 Min reading

This initiative, in line with the general support that Unicaja Banco gives to the areas where it operates and with the special attention to the areas affected by natural disasters, is intended for the reconstruction, repair and acquisition of goods in Malaga, as well as to receive the advance payment of compensation by insurance companies.


Unicaja Banco has set a €25 million special financing facility for those affected by the recent floods in Campanillas (Malaga) caused by the storm Gloria.


The bank’s support is organized as a credit facility, on advantageous terms, which will allow customers to tackle the damage caused by the storms. The facility intends to offset the losses incurred in homes, goods or cars that have been damaged, as well as losses in companies in the affected area.


In particular, it is a financing facility for the repair, re-building and acquisition of goods, as well as for the advance reception of the compensation of insurance companies.



Information and advice


Those affected by the floods may apply for this preferential financing at any Unicaja Banco, where they will be served by specialized staff. The bank also puts at the disposal of its customers all the information and advice that they may need.


This action, with a specific financing solution, falls within Unicaja Banco’s ongoing support to the areas where it operates, as well as within its interest in promoting and facilitating the economic and social development in its home regions, with special focus on those areas affected by natural disasters, such as Malaga on this occasion, in the exercise of its Corporate Social Responsibility and its will to develop responsible finance.




  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
  • Productos y servicios

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