
Edufinet Project, an example of the Decalogue of Values of CECA’s Obra Social

Edufinet Project, which intends to promote financial education, has been taken as an example in the presentation of the Decalogue of Values of CECA’s Obra Social

07 FEB 2020

3 Min reading

Edufinet was represented at this event by José Antonio Díaz Campos, Head of the Area of Financial Education of Grupo Unicaja, who explained the goals of this project, fostered by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja and which has been working for over 15 years to provide the society with a clear view of the economic and financial world.


This event of presentation of the Decalogue of Values of CECA’s Obra Social was attended by the Olympic swimmer Ona Carbonell, ambassador of Obra y Acción Social of the banking association.


Participants of different social projects promoted by other financial institutions also took part in the event, and Ona Carbonell talked to them about their experience and impressions.


Carbonell highlighted the job of all the people who work every day to have a positive impact on the society. “Discovering the number of actions developed by the institutions associated to CECA in recent years is amazing”, remarked the swimmer, who said that she is totally aligned with the values of this initiative.


During the presentation of the Decalogue of Values of the CECA’s Obra y Acción Social, Carbonell stated that “the contribution to research and education of excellence is a strategic commitment, with over 590 million euros invested over the last five years”.


She also highlighted the commitment of all the involved institutions, which make it possible to “contribute to the progress of the society and people through initiatives promoting entrepreneurship and the development of local economies and the welfare of communities with more than six million beneficiaries in the so called empty Spain”.


Edufinet Project, a pioneering initiative


The Edufinet Project has been working for nearly 15 years to bring financial education closer to society. Unicaja is thus one of the first financial institutions in Spain to launch an initiative of this kind. For this purpose, the project currently collaborates with more than ten business organizations and institutions, as well as with 16 universities.


Edufinet was launched, through an Internet portal for the general public, at the end of 2007, although its development began in 2005, within Unicaja. Since it was launched, more than 152,000 people have participated directly in workshops or seminars, of which more than 108,000 were young people. The website has received 8.5 million visits, with access and consults from 180 countries.


This Internet portal on financial education includes systematic and practical information, in a question-answer format and where no previous knowledge is required. Later, two additional portals were created with specific contents: one for business owners and entrepreneurs (Edufiemp), and one for financial education for young people (Edufinext).


Edufinet organizes the Conferences on Financial Education for Young People and the Financial Olympics, the Workshops on Financial Education for Vocational Training Students and workshops for adults, as well as seminars and lectures at universities, summer courses or participation in international projects. It also fosters several publications, such as the ‘Financial Guide’ or the ‘Financial Guide for business owners and entrepreneurs’.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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