
Unicaja Banco and Asempal strengthen their collaboration to support the business fabric in Almeria

Unicaja Banco and Confederation of Business Owners of Almeria Province strengthen their collaboration with the visit of Unicaja Banco Regional Manager in Eastern Andalusia, Francisco Pérez, to the President of Asempal, José Cano

14 FEB 2020

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco and Confederation of Business Owners of Almeria Province (Confederación Empresarial de la Provincia de Almeria, Asempal) strengthen their traditional collaboration to support the business fabric in Almeria. Unicaja Banco Regional Manager in Eastern Andalusia, Francisco Pérez, has made an institutional visit to the President of Asempal, José Cano, to discuss joint actions.


The meeting falls within the close and long-standing relationship between both institutions, in constant collaboration in actions to facilitate the activities of businesses and the economic development of the province.


Unicaja Banco and Asempal have a collaboration agreement under which the bank offers advantageous financial conditions to the companies that are member of Asempal.


Unicaja Banco offers to the companies associated to Asempal -an institution which groups together over 100 sectorial and territorial associations from the Almeria province-, and to their employees, a comprehensive specific financial service, with advantageous conditions, aimed to facilitate and to improve the development of their management and activities, through reverse factoring, international transactions (foreign trade, international financing and currencies), investment in fixed assets via leasing and renting, guarantees, etc.


The agreement falls within the support that Unicaja Banco gives to the business fabric, within its interest in promoting the economic development of the areas where it operates and, in particular, Almeria and its province, one of the bank’s core areas.       


Businesses in general and SMEs in particular are one of the key groups in Unicaja Banco’s financing policy, especially with regard to the business fabric of Andalusia. In this sense, the bank is very active in providing financing to this group, which is essential to make the economy more dynamic and to stimulate job creation.


  • Institucional

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