
Unicaja Banco collaborates one more year with FreakCon, which will be attended by the well-known actor Natalia Tena

Unicaja Banco collaborates one more year with FreakCon, the International Convention of Manga, Comic, TV Series and Videogames, which reaches its fourth edition and will be held on 7 and 8 March at Fycma

06 MAR 2020

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco collaborates one more year with FreakCon, the International Convention of Manga, Comic, TV Series and Videogames, which reaches its fourth edition and will be held on 7 and 8 March at the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga (Fycma).


FreakCon will be attended by actors Natalia Tena, Daniel Portman, Devon Murray and Enrique Arce, well-known internationally for their roles in the TV and move series of Harry Potter, ‘Games of Thrones’, ‘Stars Wars: The Mandalorian’ and ‘Money Heist’.


FreakCon consolidates itself as a benchmark event in the world of comics, series and videogames, reaching more than 30,000 visitors in its 2019 edition.


The participation of Unicaja Banco in FreakCon 2020 falls within the support of the bank to young people, entrepreneurship and new emerging business models, such as young digital talent. In this sense, the collaboration of Unicaja Banco also falls within its support to leisure activities and events which, as FreakCon or the videogames festival Gamepolis, gather thousands of young people interested in videogames and new technologies.


Featured activities


Encounters with actors Natalia Tena, Daniel Portman, Devon Murray and Enrique Arce are just one of the many actitivies of this edition of FreakCon.


Lectures and roundtables about movies and series and VR workshops are other of the highlights of the festival, as well as encounters with well-known artists such as illustrator David Lloyd, voice actors Luis Posada and David Brau, Pixar Animation Studios professionals such as Edu Martín and Marvel artist Salva Espín, as well as international cosplayers Elffi and Calssara.


Other activities include cosplay competition and parade, as well as videogame competitions and K-Pop shows, Jedi academy, crafts, make-up workshops, Harry Potter wands and hamabeads workshops and a play area with more than 500 board games, just to mention a few.


In addition to Unicaja Banco, the following institutions collaborate and support FreakCon: Youth Area of Málaga City Council, Malaga County Council and Digital Content Hub, Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Málaga (Fycma) and several companies and associations.


*Further information: www.freakcon.es

  • Institucional

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