Unicaja Banco is operating normally and its operational and customer service channels are active, with special reinforcement of the prevention measures, in compliance with the provisions made by the healthcare and official authorities in the current situation of state of alarm, following the publication of the Royal Decree 463/2020 of 14 March 2020.
In order to guarantee service to customers and to protect the health of employees and customers, a priority for the institution, Unicaja Banco has activated a prevention and action plan, as well as a permanent Monitoring Committee, in compliance with the recommendations and provisions of the healthcare and official authorities.
Regarding the provision of service to customers, Unicaja Banco is promoting and recommending the use of electronic resources and channels such as ATMs, digital banking (web and app), card payments, as well as customer service over the phone and social media profiles, in addition to the service provided at branches, for health safety reasons, in line with the healthcare and official recommendations and provisions. The bank maintains updated information on this topic on its website, social media profiles and at branches and other channels, to facilitate the location of the corresponding services.
Reinforced prevention protocols at branches
Unicaja Banco’s network of branches remains open, in line with that established within the framework of the above mentioned Royal Decree. The institution recommends going to branches only for those transactions which cannot be carried out through the network of ATMs, web, digital banking, app and phone banking, and always considering the convenience of staying at the branch for as short as possible.
The institution has activated a reinforced prevention protocol for branches, and it has increased the hygiene and cleaning measures, ATMs included. Following the guidelines of the Spanish Ministry of Health, it is recommended to keep a safety distance of at least two metres between customers and employees, to avoid potential contagion, as well as to keep that preventive distance in general inside the branch. The number of customers at the branch is limited to one per employee, with the rest of customers queuing outside and respecting the safety distance between people.
Other recommendations
Unicaja Banco recommends its customers not to trust e-mails where they are requested confidential information and asked to take actions related to their personal data, cards or bank accounts, or informing about a possible suspension or blocking of your cards or accounts, and especially, those using coronavirus as subject matter.
Unicaja Banco reminds that it never asks its customers to give by phone or by e-mail access passwords, account numbers or debit/credit card numbers.
Prevention and action plan activated
Unicaja Banco has activated a prevention and action plan against the coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic, in compliance with the official provisions and with the recommendations made by the authorities, in order to minimize the possible effects on the staff, customers and other stakeholders, as well as in its daily activity.
Through the plan, the bank provides the employees with permanent and updated information about the disease, and it adopts and reinforces prevention, cleaning and action measures aimed at protecting the health of customers and employees and the operation of the bank’s activity. Unicaja Banco has also a Monitoring Committee in permanent operation for planning and implementing measures.
The bank has a plan for the remote connection to resources and information systems for its staff, and of telematic external relations, in order to minimize risks