
Unicaja Banco waives the fee for withdrawing money at any ATM during the state of alarm

Unicaja Banco customers will not have to pay a fee for withdrawing money on debit at any ATM throughout Spain during the state of alarm, declared by the Government to fight the expansion of coronavirus

27 MAR 2020

2 Min reading

This decisión was adopted on 26 March by all the credit institutions associated to CECA (Unicaja Banco, CaixaBank, Bankia, Kutxabank Abanca, Ibercaja Banco, Liberbank, Caixa Ontinyent and Caixa Pollença), and will be in force since Monday 30 March.


This way, all those customers who need to withdraw cash may go to the ATM that is closest to their homes, regardless of the bank it belongs to, thus reducing travel.


Increase of the contactless card payment limit

Additionally, given the extraordinary current situation, Unicaja Banco is going to temporarily increase from 20 to 50 euros the contactless payment limit, to reduce the chances of touching the POS to enter the PIN number. This measure has been adopted by the financial institutions that are member of the firm Sistema de Tarjetas y Medios de Pago.


Unicaja Banco is operating normally and its operational and customer service channels remain active, with special reinforcement of the prevention measures, in compliance with the provisions made by the healthcare and official authorities in the current situation of state of alarm.


Regarding the provision of service to customers, Unicaja Banco is promoting and recommending the use of electronic resources and channels such as ATMs, digital banking (web and app), card payments, as well as customer service over the phone and social media profiles, in addition to the service provided at branches.


Although Unicaja Banco’s network of branches remains open, it recommends, in line with that established within the framework of the above mentioned Royal Decree, going to branches only for those transactions which cannot be carried out through the network of ATMs, web, digital banking, app and phone banking, and always considering the convenience of staying at the branch for as short as possible.

All of that to ensure customer service and to protect the health of customers and employees, a priority for the bank.


Together with the rest of institutions of CECA, Unicaja Banco is working on the design of solutions aimed to the most vulnerable customers, who are most affected by the current situation, with the goal of helping to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus crisis.

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