
Unicaja Banco exempts from the payment of half of the rent to the families leasing housing from the FSV during the state of alarm

With a view to mitigating the economic impact of the coronavirus crisis on those in a situation of vulnerability, Unicaja Banco is going to exempt from the payment of half of the rent to the holders of lease agreements of properties integrated in the Social Housing Fund while the state of alarm is in force

17 APR 2020

3 Min reading

Unicaja Banco, with a view to mitigating the economic impact of the coronavirus crisis on those in a situation of vulnerability, is going to exempt from the payment of half of the rent to the holders of lease agreements of properties integrated in the Social Housing Fund (Fondo Social de Vivienda, FSV) while the state of alarm declared by the Government is in force.



The FSV includes housing units property of financial institutions and which are leased by families in a situation of special vulnerability. Unicaja Banco joined the agreement for the creation of this fund in 2013, having renewed its validity until January 2021. This initiative joins the efforts made for years in favour of the most disadvantaged.


The 50% reduction in the rent of the lease agreements integrated in the FSV, without tenants having to apply for it, is being communicated to tenants and could be applied for up to four months. This measure falls within the exercise by Unicaja Banco of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).


This initiative also complies with the provisions of the Royal Decree-law on the adoption of additional extraordinary social and economic measures to address the Covid-19.



Support measures for the rest of rentals



Furthermore, for the rest of rental housing units that Unicaja Banco has, the bank is working on the application of the measures approved by the Government to support families and those in a situation of social and economic vulnerability as a consequence of the Covid-19 outbreak.


Those measures include the moratorium or the reduction, during the state of alarm, of the rent in the case main residence. For that purpose, customers must submit the corresponding application and must meet the requirements included in the Royal Decree-law 11/2020.

The same happens in the case of the extraordinary extension, for a maximum period of six months, where leases of the main residence end within the period between 2 April and two months after the end of the state of alarm.


These measures join the initiatives adopted by Unicaja Banco since the start of the coronavirus crisis to support its customers and to ensure the safety of clients and employees. The bank continues with its financial activity through its different channels, as an essential service in the current state of alarm, and focuses its efforts in the launch of flexible payment and funding solutions for its customers, especially for those in a situation of vulnerability, under the priority of ensuring service and protecting the health of employees and customers.


Additionally, Unicaja Banco is promoting and recommending, in line with the healthcare recommendations, the use of electronic media and channels, such as ATMs, digital banking (web and app) or card payments, as well as customer service over the phone and social media profiles. The bank has also activated an action and prevention plan, as well as a permanent monitoring follow-up, in compliance with the recommendations made by the authorities.

  • Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
  • Productos y servicios

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