
Unicaja Banco brings forward again the payment of pensions and unemployment benefits

Unicaja Banco brings forward again, for the third consecutive month, the payment of pensions and unemployment benefits. This way, the bank intends to mitigate the effects of the crisis caused by the Covid-19 on those in a situation of vulnerability

20 MAY 2020

2 Min reading

Unicaja Banco brings forward again, for the third consecutive month, the payment of pensions and unemployment benefits. This way, the bank intends to mitigate the  effects of the crisis caused by the Covid-19 on those in a situation of vulnerability.


The bank had already facilitated, on two previous occasions, the advance payment of the Social Security pensions to its retired customers. This time, it and will bring it forward to 22 May, with a view to protect the health of the elderly, as they are a risk group in the current situation.


Additionally, as it did the two previous months, with a view to mitigate the social and economic impact of this crisis on the most vulnerable, Unicaja Banco will bring forward to 4 June the payment of unemployment benefits to those customers who receive their unemployment benefits directly into their account.


Pensions will be available to be collected from 22 May at ATMs and also at branches.


For those pensioners who do not withdraw their pension at the ATM and choose to go to the branch instead, a system of appointments has been established. This intends to provide a gradual service and to protect the most vulnerable customers, following the healthcare and official recommendations and preventing them from taking unnecessary risks. 


Flexible measures


The new advance payment of pensions and unemployment benefits by Unicaja Banco joins a set of measures that the bank has been implementing since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis to support its customers and to ensure the safety of clients and employees.


The bank continues with its financial activity through its different channels and it focuses its efforts on flexible payment and funding solutions for its customers, especially for those in a situation of vulnerability.


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